Moving from Homesite to CC: server...

User 2210387 Photo

Trial User
1 post

Hi All:
After many years of using the long-gone HomeSite I'm having a great time trialling CC. So far, I love it!

But a few questions.

HS allows me to pass local files through my locally run Apache web server before sending them to the internal browser. How do I do that in CC?

Ok, call me lazy, but I can't seem to find CC's link checker or HTML validation tool. I'm sure they are there somewhere. Oh, I love CC's HTML/XHTML tidy tool... much better than HS's.

Thank you for your time.

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,465 posts

Hi, and welcome to the CC forums.

I also was using HomeSite long time ago, but migrated to CC HTML Editor some 6 years ago.

If you save your work in the www folder of your built-in server, you will be able to view e.g.php pages in the built-in preview browser or any other browser you have installed. There is no setting for this in the HTML Editor, you just have to do it manually.

I don't use the 'Project' features of the Editor, but I believe you find something which is checking links in there.

And finally, in the Editor you can validate html documents you are working on. Under Documkent in the tool bar you see Validate html. This will link you to W3C's validator.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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