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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

John - Love it! I'm sure I'll be checking back often to "re-live my youth" :lol:
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Very nice John, I love how that player works too, quite sweet indeed!
User 345577 Photo

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373 posts

As is often the case with personal song lists, there are some interesting choices. One that surprised the bat snot out of me was the old one by the Moody Blues, the name of which I've forgotten. (Ain't Necessarily So? or was it From the Bottom of My Heart?) Pretty obscure tune, that...

Tried to go back to refresh my memory, but it's gone already! Drat this failing memory! :D
User 2000538 Photo

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1,392 posts

Rock on the "Cat".... :cool:
I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.

User 1948478 Photo

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1,850 posts

paintbrush wrote:
John - Love it! I'm sure I'll be checking back often to "re-live my youth" :lol:

Me too!! :)
Thanks John!
User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

Thank you all for liking my sixties music website! I updated it, explaining what you can do with the MYSQL database that makes searching and playlists possible. And of course I added a link to CC!
Also now it's on a subdomain: http://sixties.johnvanhulst.com

Have fun!

John van Hulst
User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

Chuck B wrote:
As is often the case with personal song lists, there are some interesting choices. One that surprised the bat snot out of me was the old one by the Moody Blues, the name of which I've forgotten. (Ain't Necessarily So? or was it From the Bottom of My Heart?) Pretty obscure tune, that...

Tried to go back to refresh my memory, but it's gone already! Drat this failing memory! :D

Hi Chuck,

The Moody Blues had several hits. The first one was 'Go Now', which is in this collection. Search for Moody Blues in the search box and you'll find others, among them it ain't necessarily so.... Maybe I should buy a 'Greatest Hits' CD.
John van Hulst
User 345577 Photo

Registered User
373 posts

johnvanhulst wrote:
The Moody Blues had several hits. The first one was 'Go Now', which is in this collection.

Yeah -- it was a pretty big song here in the states back then, and the descending piano/bass line stuck in my head for a year or more after it left the charts. I searched high and low for the Go Now album at that point, and bought it. I eventually learned to play fairly accurate versions of every song from that album on the piano. I still play Go Now any time I get anywhere near a piano or keyboard. Fortunately for others, it's not that frequent anymore... :/

Maybe I should buy a 'Greatest Hits' CD.

If you have The Magnificent Moodies, you have pretty much the entire output from that version of the band, which I prefer over the later, mellotron-driven version. Of course, they went on to be huge, but they were effectively a different band, despite some of the members remaining in the group. I favor the raw, R&B-influenced, Mike Pinder piano stuff with Denny Laine's plaintive, soulful voice, over the smooth and sometimes-pretentious offerings that characterized output, starting with Days of Future Passed.

No offense to later-day Moodies fans -- they were ok, too! :)
User 92156 Photo

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272 posts

Your site is more useful than you might first think, John.

One of the bugbears of my life is my frustratingly poor memory for faces and names, and that includes music artists and song & album titles.
I also have a poor memory of actual tunes (I'm a tad tone-deaf too) but I still enjoy music especially the oldies.
Sometimes I hear a tune on the radio and think: "I must look for that and buy it".
My problem is, I can't remember the name of the artist, the name of the song, or even enough of the tune to repeat it in my head (not hum it out loud though, people run for cover or open fire on me when I do that :rolleyes: ).

Now I can browse around on your site and identify the ones I might want to go out and buy.

Are you thinking of expanding to include other decades?
User 104702 Photo

Registered User
293 posts

Zipper wrote:
Your site is more useful than you might first think, John.

One of the bugbears of my life is my frustratingly poor memory for faces and names, and that includes music artists and song & album titles.
I also have a poor memory of actual tunes (I'm a tad tone-deaf too) but I still enjoy music especially the oldies.
Sometimes I hear a tune on the radio and think: "I must look for that and buy it".
My problem is, I can't remember the name of the artist, the name of the song, or even enough of the tune to repeat it in my head (not hum it out loud though, people run for cover or open fire on me when I do that :rolleyes: ).

Now I can browse around on your site and identify the ones I might want to go out and buy.

Are you thinking of expanding to include other decades?

Hi Zipper,

Thanks for the compliments! What you can do is browse the list of artists on the left > click on an artist > a picture appears (ore more than one if there is more than one album of that artist in the database) > click on (one of) the picture(s) and you see a list of songs that are in the database of that artist/album combination. You can also use the site as a sixties music radio station. Click on the first song that populates the list (it is populated randomly each time you refresh -F5- the site) > the complete visible list will be playing. And then, when you recognize a song, you run to your PC and look who's playing :-). BTW, I forgot the Bee Gees, they will be added soon. A Phil Spector collection (remember the Crystals -He's a Rebel/Da Doo Ron Ron- ?) will be there soon as well.

I can't expand to other decades as extensively as I did here, I don't own a seventies/eighties/nineties collection as big as my sixties collection. But I intend to set up my other music sites ( http://jbw.johnvanhulst.com -jazz/blues/world music- for instance) the same way as I did here. Also I own a huge collection of classical (especially baroque) music, maybe I'll do this the same way too.... In the end ALL my music (I think I own about 1500 CDs) should be published this way....

Have fun, John
John van Hulst

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