Google's New reCAPTCHA! - Page 5 -...

User 2388388 Photo

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Wow, Thanks for such a quick response guys. Looks like im using v2.5 Build 5437 and looks like I gotta buy an upgrade. That sucks. I wonder how much $$ it is?

Whether $1 or $100 I bet I'll figure it out under the hood to make mine v2 when served w/o buying an upgrade. Looks like I'll have to manually correct any form I publish from CC by editing extracted files but shouldn't be a big deal once I figure out what needs edited as implementing v2 from scratch is little more than a couple lines of code copy and pasted from Google so this shouldnt be too difficult. Im not seeking to edit the workings of CC WFB, That'd be over my head for right now but I betcha I figure out what needs updated in whats served to the end users client machine and Woila...

Unless ofcourse CC wants to turn me onto this upgrade for free, I'm not interested in any addtl bells and whistles that comes with v2.9 but I'd appreciate help with the captcha upgrade as v1 is going to be "Turned Off" by Google March 18, 2018 and with that in mind this seems like an upgrade that might should be free, otherwise it appears Im gonna have to roll up my sleeves and fix this b4 uploading a CC form and after March 2018 it appears 2.5 will be useless for anyone wanting to add some kind of safeguard against infinite spam attacks

Stuart Kaufman
User 10077 Photo

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Stuart Kaufman wrote:
@Scott Swedorski, You say enable it and you're done. I recently DL'd the latest version under my acct and selected the "I am not a robot" radio button on Google's Captcha setup page for creating keys and used those keys but Im still showing v1
Help Plz,

Stuart, Your image looks like you are using an older version of the captcha. As those above have suggested, check to make sure you are on the latest version. It should be 2.9 build 5509.

mark johnson wrote:
are you using version 2.9 5509? (on PC...not sure what it might be for Mac)

Mac is on the same version.
I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
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Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
User 2388388 Photo

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129 posts

Incase anyone missed it above, I am Version 2.5 Build 5437 Also, If any Sr coders know exactly what to edit in the extracted files to upgrade whats served to v2, I'd appreciate any clues
User 2460985 Photo

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Looks like I'll have to manually correct any form I publish from CC by editing extracted files but shouldn't be a big deal once I figure out what needs edited as implementing v2 from scratch is little more than a couple lines of code copy and pasted from Google so this shouldn't be too difficult.

I attempted this myself back before they added the new captcha, and it turned out to be a huge hassle. I ended up just buying the upgrade as I couldn't justify the cost of my time vs paying for the upgrade.

But best of luck to you!
User 10077 Photo

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1,096 posts

Have you thought about just how much WFB does?
- Makes it incredibly easy to create a web form
- Interfaces directly with RED for great notification and confirmation emails
- Configures the captcha
- Has an interface for PayPal or checkout and makes it very easy to configure a purchase or donation form
- Adds conditionals for making fields display or not
- Handles all the required fields
- It can save form inputs as flat file or with MySQL databases automatically! That's huge!

Paying a small amount for an upgrade to keep all the functionality of the software is worth it to me.

I provide personalized help for Coffeecup Users including personal or group training for Site Designer, Web Form Builder and more via Zoom.
Email me at or call 865-687-7698.

Did you know that Web Form Builder can be used for both simple and complicated forms and that it's not limited to the default fonts and buttons? Take a look at a form we developed for … ppingcart/
User 2388388 Photo

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Hi Brian,
Personally, I think it's best that people learn to develop their own forms from scratch without WFB or such. WFB has a lot of downsides I dont care too much for but to appeal to a wysiwig crowd I guess it's pretty good. I dev from Notepad++ w/o any website builder software. I purchased WFB when I was real green behind the ears but Ive learned a lot since then. Infact the form in the link below was built from scratch (while watching YouTube tutorials), as well as the whole site but were talking about forms here.

Now Im gonna learn how to manually implement Captcha V2 here: … offeecup=1 via Google documentation, then it should be a breeze to correct what comes out of wfb. Ta-da!!

User 2388388 Photo

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129 posts

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to follow up and let yall know I cracked it and am now V2. as can be seen here: … offeecup=1 It took me a few hours to reverse engineer it and figure it out as I used the code as a learning example but it could now be done in a few minutes and as a bonus, I now know even more about PHP (stonger muscles)

I'm a novice developer that has a lot to learn about PHP Classes and OOP but can say it wasn't rocket science and I'd be willing to share with others how they can do so (in under 10 min's) as long as CoffeeCup doesn't have any problem with me sharing these details. (I'll await a reply)

User 379556 Photo

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Stuart Kaufman wrote:
I cracked it and am now V2. as can be seen here: … offeecup=1 It took me a few hours to reverse engineer it

I hope that this is not a claim to have reverse engineered Web Form Builder in view of the Restrictions in the EULA.

User 2388388 Photo

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129 posts

Well thats why I posted my "Question" instead of saying: Here's How... Guess Im gag ordered now to keep quiet. Thats fine. Just makes me more elite as I think anyone would be hard pressed to argue against me modifying the code that is used and furthermore displayed on my site. Especially since V1 is set to be SHUT DOWN 3-31-18 (I feel sorry for all the wfb users this will affect as my hands are tied) .

Oh and I have not attempted to view or modify the programs source code. Just what goes on my site

User 2460985 Photo

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8 posts

I don't think Frank fully understood what you were saying. The way you worded it made it sound like you cracked WFB V1 to work as the new version (Or somehow cracked WFB to output Captcha v2 code), when you were just talking about editing the outputted code from Captcha v1 to v2.

While I don't see why there would be a big issue modifying the code that WFB spits out and sharing that with others, I'm not sure the official forums would be the place for it.

Congrats on getting it working! Like I said I tried it a while back, and couldn't justify the time I'd spend on it vs the cost of the upgrade. Plus the hassle of manually editing code on every form I've made.

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