What's your favorite coffee??? - Page...

User 244141 Photo

1,209 posts

Chad suggested this thread and I think it's worthy of being on a Coffeecup forum. After all, it kinda' goes back to the roots of cc I guess. I often find my self going through 'phases' with coffee. For years I was a hardcore espresso shot man and then I finally turned to Panera's 'Icy Spicy Mocha'(now defunct drink)-->My drinking habit shot up to around 100+ bucks a month. Still trying to kick a bad mocha breve habit. I also like good Colombian roast in my pot, but will settle for good ol' Maxwell House.

I also go for a pumpkin spice mocha once in a while at a little convenience store down the street.

Please feel free to post your coffee drink of choice here.:)
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User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

I'm pretty easy to please :) Just plain old Folgers or Maxwell House is all I need. But I will drink the occassional Starbucks Frapachino (sp?). Tried the McD's one when they came out... OMG! My kids and I nicknamed it, starts with a 'c' and sounds real close to the Starbucks one mentioned above :rolleyes: Never again!
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Man, I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell my wife. If coffee is mixed with mocha, it is not coffee - it's a chocolate treat. Blah, what a waste of good coffee. :D
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 148353 Photo

808 posts

I drink Folgers, and Eight O'Clock coffee on a regular basis, but I sometimes treat myself to a really good Sumatra coffee. I really like it because it is very rich in flavor.

Basically, almost anything black and hot. Important note: Instant coffee is not included in "almost anything"
"Time heals everything. Know who said that? My Latin teacher at barber college!"
- Floyd Lawson

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User 541889 Photo

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104 posts

At work we've got free vending of Douwe Egberts Pure Gold and Nescafe Gold Blend, prefer the Gold Blend myself.... many in the office have a few remarks to make about the pure gold calling pure something else..... Some of the other chaps in the office aren't keen on either free coffees, instead bring their ground coffee and brew their own mixes.... So strong after a couple, I get the shakes !

We've also on site got a Costa, I'm rather partial to an Americano with a shot of hot milk.
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User 133269 Photo

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Tea :lol:
Have fun
~ Fe Pixie ~
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

I generally have a cup of black Folgers at breakfast, a large cup of Earl Grey tea as soon as I get to the office, a cup of whatever they serve in the cafeteria, and then before the afternoon is over, I visit the campus JavaCity coffee shop for a large black coffee.

I spent 20+ years in the U.S. Navy, and still drink a lot of black coffee.
User 414501 Photo

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564 posts

Wow popular thread, doesn't surprise me though hahahaha!

I always order my frappicino's affogato style at Starbucks, but no one ever knows what that is EVEN the baristas at Starbucks (the company that invented it I think!). Its a blended frozen coffee drink with a shot of hot espresso poured over the top to give you taht extra buzz you need to get through another whole day of working with 1d10ts hahahaha!
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

It doesn't shock me to hear that. Heck, the people who work at starbaucks around here can't even make a cappuccino or double-shot on ice the same way twice in a row. They pour on wayyy to much cream most of the time. It's like drinking milk with a little coffe thrown in the mix. Just make the dang thing like it should be made, consistantly. I'd rather buy the doub;e shot in a can from the factory becasue it tastes the same every time. Of course if you are the type to mix chocolate in coffee, you probably will never notice because that's all you can taste. :D
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 448445 Photo

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4 posts

I'm former military so I've had some pretty rank coffee. Currently I'm hooked on Green Mountain Coffee Roaster's Vermont Country Blend. I'm really not into the Froo-froo flavors.
Get up, breathe, smile, sip your coffee, and have a great day!

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