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User 603315 Photo

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"I looooove coffee in a cup". HA HA How old are you now 18 LOL Yeah your right, I think they are superb in general but they really have dropped some clangers on the gallery. I very rarely used Flash apart from vids and galleries but it just seems such an obvious thing to include.
User 2924428 Photo

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CC is taking the HTML5 route, and i'm not sure if flash is compatible on a lot of devices such as tablets or phones, which is what everyone is using now adays, so it seems they want to make responsive web sites easier to create for people instead of having to go through all of the coding you can just use a template.
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Here you can listen to the whole song: ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 464893 Photo

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Thanks Inger, beautiful I have a copy now on my mp3 player.
Probably inappropriate but my brother wrote this and I believe for a charity.

He is not a professional now but does have gigs from time to time. This was obviously a cover It is a hobby of his. In life he owns a large superstore franchise in Melbourne where he lives now, this is how he relaxes.
The Guy from OZ

User 603315 Photo

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UnclePlusMax wrote:
CC is taking the HTML5 route, and i'm not sure if flash is compatible on a lot of devices such as tablets or phones, which is what everyone is using now adays, so it seems they want to make responsive web sites easier to create for people instead of having to go through all of the coding you can just use a template.

Yes I know what your saying, but is it really that Flash isn't compatible? I've got Android devices using Ice Cream Sandwich and Gingerbread, that Flash work on them. I know the problems with IOS devices and Flash but there's getarounds. For eg HTML5 Video doesn't play as well as Flash the last time I used it, no where near. I'm all for change if HTML5 does prove to be the way forward (and after much self debate I'm coming round to it) there is still room for other technologies that are already in place. CC already have it in other apps what I'm talking about so there should't be a prob.
User 603315 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
Everybody wants CC to make a slideshow but I can see why they would put it last on the list. There's no profit from a £5 app.:) Especially when you can get all the sliders you want for free. The last I knew the "Well make it up on volume" decision put a lot of business under.;)

Which sliders would you say were good? I've tried a few, albeit not for a while, but was left disappointed, but if there is something that's simple and good I'll give it a try
User 38401 Photo

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Flash is really not an issue with Android devices hardly ever. Mostly this is with Apple (iOS) devices and although there are "work arounds", the issue here isn't that there aren't work arounds, it's that people (the general public that is going to visit your site) may not be aware of them. That means they are on the Safari browser that is pre installed with most of the iOS devices. That means Flash does not work. Now if you use a Puffin browser as well as a few others, there are some paid browsers that do have Flash capabilities on an iOS system, but as mentioned, the general public may not be aware they even "need" to have any special apps to view your site, and that means your:


Will totally be missing on your websites if they are Flash.

So you really should steer away from it if possible just so you are very sure that people are seeing your items on your page. If that means using the S-Drive system for the Photo Gallery, then so be it, I understand it works pretty well for many so whatever works it good right? Many go to jquery galleries also and those work great too. It's a preference thing in the end, but definitely shouldn't be a preference when dealing with Flash itself, it's not a user friendly iOS thing for the general public, only for those in the know that actually know they "need" something to see flash. Heck many people don't even understand there even "is" flash or what that is or that they are not even seeing things on sites, so that's the public you need to aim at for Flash work arounds. :)
User 2147626 Photo

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Very well put! I nominate Jo Ann as Valedictorian...

All in favor -- Aye!
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 187934 Photo

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G'kar wrote:

Which sliders would you say were good? I've tried a few, albeit not for a while, but was left disappointed, but if there is something that's simple and good I'll give it a try

What I say is good would be totally different then most as I'm comfortable with customizing them all myself. I think most users are looking for a canned application to do everything for them. I would agree that Wow slider is a good application but I don't need it. I enjoy building my own slideshows when the customization is need but also enjoy an app that can make slideshow for me if it will fit the need.VSD vs HTML Editor as an example. I use them both. I don't think flash is disappearing yet but it's important to have that alternate source for certain users. This is all in the same realm of making a responsive site.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Flash is really not an issue with Android devices hardly ever. Mostly this is with Apple (iOS) devices and although there are "work arounds", the issue here isn't that there aren't work arounds, it's that people (the general public that is going to visit your site) may not be aware of them. That means they are on the Safari browser that is pre installed with most of the iOS devices. That means Flash does not work. Now if you use a Puffin browser as well as a few others, there are some paid browsers that do have Flash capabilities on an iOS system, but as mentioned, the general public may not be aware they even "need" to have any special apps to view your site, and that means your:


Will totally be missing on your websites if they are Flash.

So you really should steer away from it if possible just so you are very sure that people are seeing your items on your page. If that means using the S-Drive system for the Photo Gallery, then so be it, I understand it works pretty well for many so whatever works it good right? Many go to jquery galleries also and those work great too. It's a preference thing in the end, but definitely shouldn't be a preference when dealing with Flash itself, it's not a user friendly iOS thing for the general public, only for those in the know that actually know they "need" something to see flash. Heck many people don't even understand there even "is" flash or what that is or that they are not even seeing things on sites, so that's the public you need to aim at for Flash work arounds. :)

Yes it's a definite point that you make. I wish there was a Jquery gallery that I'm happy with, they do work well in my experience, no doubt there and they can looks stylish but everything is governed by thumbnails. I don't mind them or in fact I like them when there is a bigger picture, but generally there isn't it, it's mainly lightbox esque.

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