Multiple sitemaps

User 59189 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

Have less links 30,000+ pages in a sitemap is really an over kill.

I have been writing gardening pages since 1997. Between my writings and archived pages from my garden forum, there are over 40,000 pages of valuable gardening content that should be indexed for reference purposes via Googles custom search.
I was told that I could create multiple sitemaps (i.e. The Garden Helper, Gardening 2002, Gardening 2003...) as long as I create a 'site map to sitemaps'. Is this true and if so, how do I restrict the sitemapper to only index a certain archive without following links back to the main pages? How should I properly format a site map of sitemaps?
The Garden Helper

Thank you!
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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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What you would have to do is setup under the options, all the files and or folders to ingore. This would then allow you to build smaller sitemaps. It may take a long time to tweak all that given the fact you have so many pages. However, it is doable ;)
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User 59189 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

Thank you! :)
What would be the proper way to name the individual site maps before adding them to my sitemap.xml?
Never Underestimate the Powers of the Gnome!

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