Shop Location (File Structure)
I sell online event registration and other items using a shopping cart for each event, essentially making a mini website for each event. For organization-sake, I wanted to create a folder (with shop) for each event in a folder called Events like this:
* root/htdocs/customer1/shop/events/event1
* root/htdocs/customer1/shop/events/event2
After several nights of error messages about how SCCP could not connect to server and then later that it just couldn't upload, I decided to try shortening the path. I thought maybe there was a file path character limit.
I finally got it to work after I reduced the directories to two levels. It seems that SCCP can only go down two levels because this directory structure allowed my cart to upload:
* root/htdocs/customer1/event1
* root/htdocs/customer1/event2
It makes for a busier main directory (customer) but I guess it'll have to do. If this is not true and I missed some real obvious way to structure multiple shops, please let me know!