SCC Pro - Page 5 - Post ID 129676

User 562592 Photo

Registered User
2,038 posts

@ Chuck,

I have come to expect much more rationality out of you. The user's post is a gross over-exaggeration and mischaracterization of a company that puts their users first. Almost every paragraph begins on a faulty premise and yet you find one small little note to comment on (did you miss the word "recent"?). Besides that, I think you misunderstand professionalism. In your view CC would only monitor the forums and never interact with its users, they would not return emails, they would take a week to answer support requests, they would produce moderately good products that need updating once a month, etc.,

Is that the professional company you are seeking. I think it is cool as hell that the VP of product development is only an email or a forum post away. And yes, when someone posts and unfair, biased, irrational argument against a company that we all respect, you better believe people are going to say something. It's just too bad you are not one of those people.

The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.

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User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Eric English pretty much nailed it on the head concerning the OP's post.

I personally don't think all of their software is for professionals building sites for profit but then again, they don't market their software for that purpose. They provide the tools for the uninitiated to build great looking websites . Even so, some of their software is invaluable to the professional developer.

Chuck, come on man. Things happen and the delay of the SC Pro is another example of a non-perfect world. Scott's levity on the forums is not unprofessional. Seriously, would you rather have to send email to a non-reachable person? Lighten up, my man.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

The really sad part is the tax issue was fixed in v 3.8 and I made post here at … -shopping/ offering anyone who wanted to download the software a chance to get it.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 503621 Photo

Registered User
266 posts

wow i missed that one ....i wish i could test it but ...i don't care
soon the day will come and i will be as happy as a 5 year old in Christmas eve !!!

User 407288 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

Hello again:
Yes tony the tiget torrents are free and so is the viruses...LOL
been there done that............

as for sally Yes I have a wedpage & store both doing well due to other things like youtube videos and PPC so Im new at this and Im doing OK.
you purchased a program call SSC right?
you got to try it out if you wanted for free right.....
hummm so with so many ecommerce packages out your picked the hummmmmm
cheapest SCC
free updates SCC

you pruchased Shopping Cart Creator
or did coffeecup sell you SCC - PRO with out telling us all hummmm
Complain for something you payed for then I get it
but complaining for Something you did not pay for gezzz Relax.
I have problems too and with things I did pay for.
I got a free trial and at that point it was up to me
oh and by the way sally what is the other ecommerce packages that are around oh lets say $49.95
and not have monthly fees
free update for life
and you even get answers from someone

To Move the pressure to me
I will be releasing SCC Super - Duper Soon
Free updates

Free everthing send me the money now.... Buy** NOW**
Hey coffecup I sey my BUY NOW button to free.....
its not working will this be in PRO

Hey Hey my Buy Now button is not working
Back soon gotta contact tech support.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Yes tony the tiget torrents are free and so is the viruses...LOL
been there done that............

I joke. :D

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 389264 Photo

Registered User
337 posts

So CESAR ROSADO JR, is your attack on me from a few posts above:
as for sally Yes I have a wedpage & store both doing well due to other things like youtube videos and PPC so Im new at this and Im doing OK.
you purchased a program call SSC right?
you got to try it out if you wanted for free right.....
hummm so with so many ecommerce packages out your picked the hummmmmm
cheapest SCC
free updates SCC

you pruchased Shopping Cart Creator
or did coffeecup sell you SCC - PRO with out telling us all hummmm
Complain for something you payed for then I get it
but complaining for Something you did not pay for gezzz Relax.
I have problems too and with things I did pay for.
I got a free trial and at that point it was up to me
oh and by the way sally what is the other ecommerce packages that are around oh lets say $49.95
and not have monthly fees
free update for life
and you even get answers from someone

So to my question to you from my June 9 post:
Excuse me Cesar but are you using CCSC at this time? In the last year I've built a rather large shop with it and have hung in waiting for Pro. I've been selling online for years and perhaps have a better handle than you concerning what should be very basic

Get a grip CESAR ROSADO JR. Actually I bought the basic CCSC a year or so ago and SCD Pro awhile back. Also, I own most of the CC software. Believe me, as soon as CCSC Pro is available I'll buy it. My CC Cart has been published since last year.

Oops, I hear thunder so time to unplug my computer. We've had so many storms and wind warning here in Michigan.
User 1229579 Photo

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2 posts

Is there a way to have longer SKUs?
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

We've been asking that for a bit too Guy, but I'm not sure if they will do it or not. I'm sure hoping so. :)
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,218 posts

Why do you need longer SKUs? Are you using a lot of fix digits at the front for product description?:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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