I tried to upload for the first time today. Its an 8Mb File and its a wav file.
All I get is a message telling me it didn't upload. Tried a few times, to no avail.
The message should tell me more, but then if it doesn't work anyway, I can't see me using it really.
I was just using Upload File option.
Robert Alexander wrote:
I tried to upload for the first time today. Its an 8Mb File and its a wav file.
All I get is a message telling me it didn't upload. Tried a few times, to no avail.
The message should tell me more, but then if it doesn't work anyway, I can't see me using it really.
I was just using Upload File option.
I tried to upload for the first time today. Its an 8Mb File and its a wav file.
All I get is a message telling me it didn't upload. Tried a few times, to no avail.
The message should tell me more, but then if it doesn't work anyway, I can't see me using it really.
I was just using Upload File option.
Are you doing this with a program or through the S-Drive Dashboard? Any more specifics you can share?
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