Should Have Waited For Responsive...

User 2236928 Photo

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15 posts

I just learned of RSD this morning while trying to figure out why RLM didn't behave like I expected. I like CC software and the ease of Visual Site Designer without needing to know code. After fighting Front Page for years, VSD was a blessing!

So when the emails from CC announced the RLM package promotion was about to end, I placed an order a couple of days ago. But apparently I didn't understand what I was getting or understand how RLM worked. The same thing happened to me a few years ago when I bought Shopping Cart Creator only to learn I really only needed Shopping Cart Designer.

Will Responsive Site Designer be more like VSD without the need to jump to an html editor that apparently RLM does?

I've also searched for video tutorials regarding RLM. I have found a few but none that go from a blank page, add text, links, a few pictures then publish. I know this product is new and CC and skilled users will create tutorials soon. But for me, the initial learning curve is steep.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Visual Site Designer builds websites using "absolute positioning". This means everything has a fixed place within your page and cannot adjust based on the viewer’s device size (desktop, tablet, mobile phone etc.). Absolute positioning does not allow for a fluid design. design.

Responsive Layout Maker solves one of the biggest challenges in responsive design, having a flexible core which can adapt based on the viewer’s screen size. In a nutshell, Responsive Layout Maker creates a responsive prototype website (called a layout). You build the structure of your website in Responsive Layout Maker and then export to any code editor to add your final content.

If your traffic statistics are leaning towards mobile traffic, we really suggest you dive into the responsive waters now. With Responsive Layout Maker along with the Quick Start Guide, some helpful videos and other tutorials will help you master this critical aspect web design. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of Responsive Layout Maker. It will also allow you to hit the ground running when our Responsive Site Designer program is released (Responsive Site Designer will be able to import RLM layouts).

If you have not done so yet, we also have a bunch of articles on RLM to help you get more familiar with how the software works. Our Quick Start Guide is very helpful when getting started with Responsive Layout Maker. We recommend taking a look at it as it explains many different parts of RLM.

I've also searched for video tutorials regarding RLM. I have found a few but none that go from a blank page, add text, links, a few pictures then publish

We also have a full walkthrough here. This is also linked in through the Quick Start Guide. … out-maker/

This program does require you to take sometime to read all the documentation so that you have a good grasp on the concepts. Without taking the time there, you will find this all a bit challenging at first. Time to go back to school so to speak. ;)

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2236928 Photo

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15 posts


I just heard the school bell ring so I guess it's time to get to class. I'll take your suggestions and view the links you provided.

This is the part that I am unsure of "then export to any code editor to add your final content."

You provided such an excellent program with VSD that I don't know how to use a code editor but will try and learn.

User 2236928 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

Well school is over for the day and my head is spinning.
RLM is not what I was expecting. My previous experience with VSD kept me away from editing HTML and CSS codes so I wrongly assumed RLM was a similar product.

I've tried to add pictures to a test site using RLM but they don't show up when published. The images are in a images folder in the root of my project too. Is this where I have to use an editor to change the src path?

I understand responsive web design is more complicated than fixed webs and totally agree I need to move toward a responsive web design. However I am not a coder and that is why I (and so many others) were attracted to VSD.

Will RSD be more like VSD but in a responsive web design way?
Will RSD be able to design a page on it's own or will it require an import from a RLM template?

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Randy,

Although you may not fully understand the where's and why's of the RLM program that you've already purchased (I could suggest that you should have tried the Trial version prior to buying to see how it worked, but it's a bit of a moot suggestion now right? :P) you will still find it useful in seeing exactly how thing will work with the up and coming RSD program. The RSD program will be a bit less confusing for those of you that are not coders, but you'll still need to play around with the settings enough to get the handle on them as they will be very much the same setup for RSD as they are for RLM.

I would need a link to your uploaded page(s) with the image(s) that aren't working to be of more help with your image upload issues, but if you enter the correct path (using a relative path is much better and faster than using a full URL path is) and if your image(s) are already uploaded then you should have no issues with them showing up. Keep in mind that this program isn't uploading those images for you, you need to do those yourelf with an FTP program.

Hope that helps and keep at the RLM if anything just to get used to how it all works and to get familiar with the settings and what they do. There's are quite a bit of articles on the RLM program as well as quite a few videos between CoffeeCup's own video channel on both Vimeo and YouTube. You can find the YouTube ones here, but hopefully someone else has the links to the Vimeo ones as I don't have those sorry.:
User 2488786 Photo

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190 posts

Yes I too thought RLM was going to be something it's not...But I'm happy playing with it and I understand why the need for this and I will wait patiently for the new software.
I do use my smartphone a lot and like the playing with the different templates, I have had so many things going on here that I have yet to actually build any site with it, but playing with everything is helping me with getting a game plan up for when I make a site.
An expert at using the wrong tool the right way.
User 2236928 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

Jo Ann,

Yes the trial might have been a good idea. However VSD is such an easy (smaller learning curve) program to learn, I assumed CC Software had also dummied-down RLM for us non-coders.

But some of the fog has clear this morning. I found two videos on youtube that are about 20 minutes long that have cleared away much of my confusion. They are done by NightShooter87 and can be found by searching for coffeecup rlm html. These videos really deserve a link somewhere on your web site. I can personally attest they were more helpful than any other tutorials I have found so far.

These videos also clarified where the missing img folder needed to be placed so I can scratch off the problem of my missing pictures.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,098 posts

Hi Randy,

Actually CC has a Youtube Channel where you can find lots of useful tutorials.
Here is the main link: … UZzZIjJMYw

Here is the link to the RLM videos: … Djr-PlbgpT

If there is something else you would like to see please ask. There are a few people including myself that can make tutorials for you.

Hope this helps
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Jo Ann wrote:

You can find the YouTube ones here, but hopefully someone else has the links to the Vimeo ones as I don't have those sorry.:

Yep already said that :P
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,098 posts

Haha, sorry I was on my phone when I posted this and didn't notice you said that :)
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA

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