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Once it has spit out the pages and css its then up to you to open the pages in your favourite Coffee Cup HTML Editor and start modifying the code and adding the details if you will. Just remember from that point on its a manual coding process. You cannot go back the the RLM and make some adjustments to the elements and Export again as it will over-write any changes you have made.

Actually, there is an easy workaround. As long as the grid, rows, columns and elements are set and all you're adjusting is the css settings, export it to a folder in your Editor project. It will appear as a folder in the project. Copy the html files to the root and change the url for the link to the css, js, etc. to the exported folder. You can revise in RLMP and export to your heart's content without affecting your page.
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User 603315 Photo

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Steve wrote:
IMO it is perfect. There may be little things like Jo Anne mentioned above.

OK Steve thanks for that. I have to go now, but it's good to get opinions. Have a good evening or whatever time it is there. :P
User 2088758 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
So I've been playing around with this program for a few days and would really like to see an image tagger of some sort so that images aren't just named "image". Here's my reasoning for this:

I envision using this as a tool to show our clients the layout before we add anything to the actual site itself. This way if they don't like something they can say move this, change that, etc. and no code will need to be manipulated at this point as of yet.
Showing a client the way it is now makes it hard with the images all named "image". It would be really beneficial to both the web builder and the client if we could somehow name those images. I don't need it to put a real image in, just the ability to change the name on the image somehow. This way if it's a product image I can name it for that product, or if it's a bio image I can name it for that person or place etc.

This way, when the client looks at the uploaded layout (or screen shot depending on how you handle your clients) the client will not have to guess what is going in that spot or what the web builder is envisioning in that spot. It would make it a much more precise tool for using the output more creatively and more productively.

Right now to accomplish the above I have to do that spot of work 2 times. Once to put in a placeholder container, color it and put a text box on top of it to label what is going in that place. Then a second time to remove all that and actually put in the image place holder that should have gone there to start with. Or we have to do screenshots and create a legend of sorts to label what each image is. Images are really the only thing I can see (so far anyways as I haven't tried all features yet hehe) that are not readily able to be labeled in some way or obvious what they will be exactly.

Hope that makes sense and is something that can be done, it really would be an extremely helpful feature. :)

Hi Jo Anne I have accomplished this by going into the .svg file in the img folder and changing the in there.

Here I did it for my Recent Work image in the footer

Is this what you mean?

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

I think what you guys are really waiting for is the Responsive Site Designer. The Responsive Layout Maker is not a site designer or anything like what Visual Site Designer is.

Dern Right! That's what all us 'non-coders' are holdin' out fer!
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2396289 Photo

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G'kar wrote:
Russell LeChard wrote:
G'kar wrote:
It's coming soon Russell :lol:


Thanks for that definitely, maybe, kind of, non committal answer :-)..... I take it you are a Babylon 5 fan :-)

I apologize for the semi-regular posting seeking on the status of RLMP from me. Although late to the game. I now think the responsive grid framework method of web design is very intriguing. I hope to add Coffeecup new product into my arsenal of software to help me transition from a hardware/software technician to a would be Web designer.

Yeah I'm B5 fan in fact Sci Fi fan in most things.

Intriguing is an interesting choice of words :P I have never seen RLM in action but hopefully it's got some promise, as the work around now for all sorts of devices is a lot of graft. I personally not sure whether designing for tablets is all that necessary they do a good enough job and in some cases websites as normal look better there than anywhere. However smart phones with the popularity is a genuine target market.


Yes I agree, RLMP is not the holy grail of responsive web design. It will be a good tool in my black bag of IT tricks. I understand the HTML/CSS code well enough, But I have Cerebral Palsy which among other things, makes typing long strings of code very tedious for me. Any software packages that I can leverage to cut down on my typing is a good thing. Creating a basic template(grid framework) that I can edit with an HTML Editor to customize for a specific project is a time saver. I have used Artisteer to do the framework for years, but sadly development and support for more modern responsive designs are at a glacier pace and I fear that it will die a painful death. SO, I was hoping that RLMP would be a suitable successor to that tool.

Also, I too have a big SCI-FI fan too.. Long live Space:1999 and the classic Battlestar Galactica(circa 1978) :-)
User 2396289 Photo

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Steve wrote:
I think what you guys are really waiting for is the Responsive Site Designer. The Responsive Layout Maker is not a site designer or anything like what Visual Site Designer is.

Don't get me wrong the RLM is the best thing since sliced bread! Honestly its a one of a kind, ground breaking software application. Basically the RLM allows you to create a responsive layout and control all the break points and alter the element properties for each point. When you are happy with the layout you can export it similar to other cc programs.

Once it has spit out the pages and css its then up to you to open the pages in your favourite Coffee Cup HTML Editor and start modifying the code and adding the details if you will. Just remember from that point on its a manual coding process. You cannot go back the the RLM and make some adjustments to the elements and Export again as it will over-write any changes you have made.

Or you can go back to the RLM and make the changes and save as another project then copy your changes back into it from the first one.

As Jo Anne mentioned above this is a great layout tool that can be used to draft together sites, mock up if you will, and collaborate with clients until its exactly the way they would like it to be.

I give this app a 10 out of 10 score but I am really excited for the Responsive Site Designer and Responsive Shopping Cart!


Great thoughts about RLMP. Please see my reply too G'Kar .. Thanks for the feedback.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Also, I too have a big SCI-FI fan too.. Long live Space:1999 and the classic Battlestar Galactica(circa 1978) :-)

Want a classic? I have the original radio release of Star Wars: Episode 4, on cassette! Not many know it was released on radio prior to the movie coming out. Most of the original movie characters are on the tapes. Came out a lot like the original H.G. Wells War of the Worlds. Really cool to kill the lights and kick back with the old HiFi !
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2088758 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
Good to know you can do that, but.... picture the scenario here:

You've gone in and changed all those image names to accommodate the actual image it will be for such as "Fred Bio Image", "Dog in pool image", etc. Now you have the client on the phone talking to them as they tell you what they think about the layout.....

Customer: I really like that image location, but can you make it bigger? A little taller maybe will do fine.
Self: Sure, give me a sec..... ok refresh the page....
Customer: Oh the image isn't that one now? It doesn't say Fred's Bio on it anymore...
Self: Oh yeah, sorry, whenever I make changes it reverts the image names back too "image"....

Needless to say, that is good we can do that, but it would still be nice if it were doable in the program :)

Yes I hear you exactly. Wont you love it when the Responsive Site Designer comes out. Then you really can do exactly that.

But I do agree in this situation it would be nice for the RLM be able to add the image names right in the program itself. I wouldn't think it would be to hard to do. Have you brought it up with the CC team or are you hoping maybe one of them is listening in on this :) (Scott!)
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 603315 Photo

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Gunsmoke wrote:
Also, I too have a big SCI-FI fan too.. Long live Space:1999 and the classic Battlestar Galactica(circa 1978) :-)

Want a classic? I have the original radio release of Star Wars: Episode 4, on cassette! Not many know it was released on radio prior to the movie coming out. Most of the original movie characters are on the tapes. Came out a lot like the original H.G. Wells War of the Worlds. Really cool to kill the lights and kick back with the old HiFi !

I have the H.G. Wells and something else in audio book format. No Cassettes though, but hey those were the days HIFI, I used to love my HIFI, but where we live now there's no room :(
User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

Russell LeChard wrote:
G'kar wrote:
Russell LeChard wrote:
G'kar wrote:
It's coming soon Russell :lol:


Thanks for that definitely, maybe, kind of, non committal answer :-)..... I take it you are a Babylon 5 fan :-)

I apologize for the semi-regular posting seeking on the status of RLMP from me. Although late to the game. I now think the responsive grid framework method of web design is very intriguing. I hope to add Coffeecup new product into my arsenal of software to help me transition from a hardware/software technician to a would be Web designer.

Yeah I'm B5 fan in fact Sci Fi fan in most things.

Intriguing is an interesting choice of words :P I have never seen RLM in action but hopefully it's got some promise, as the work around now for all sorts of devices is a lot of graft. I personally not sure whether designing for tablets is all that necessary they do a good enough job and in some cases websites as normal look better there than anywhere. However smart phones with the popularity is a genuine target market.


Yes I agree, RLMP is not the holy grail of responsive web design. It will be a good tool in my black bag of IT tricks. I understand the HTML/CSS code well enough, But I have Cerebral Palsy which among other things, makes typing long strings of code very tedious for me. Any software packages that I can leverage to cut down on my typing is a good thing. Creating a basic template(grid framework) that I can edit with an HTML Editor to customize for a specific project is a time saver. I have used Artisteer to do the framework for years, but sadly development and support for more modern responsive designs are at a glacier pace and I fear that it will die a painful death. SO, I was hoping that RLMP would be a suitable successor to that tool.

Also, I too have a big SCI-FI fan too.. Long live Space:1999 and the classic Battlestar Galactica(circa 1978) :-)

Yes Russell I understand that with Cerebal Palsy that any tools that make things easier is a great thing to have. I have all sorts wrong with me so I know where your coming from. Gone are the days of hundred's and hundred's of line of Javascript, I want toys that do the playing for me :D I always keep the programs I made on Flash drive and when I look at the code, I think did I do that?? I'm getting too old for all that.

Yeah at the moment me and my wife are watching Voyager series, maybe not the best of Sci Fi or Star Trek for that matter, but still good fun :cool:

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