Sending to large subscriber lists...

User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Kat Lind wrote:
The image that says announcement is too far out

It lines up exactly with the purple banner below, but the 'design challenge' image directly below it has some (15px) padding creating space on right. My guess it that you want those to line up?

About the header image(s): these images have different dimensions which will make them shrink differently in fluid layout. If you would like them to line up horizontally on smaller screens as well I would suggest making it a single image (or use the announcement image in another place in the design.

Kat Lind wrote:

there is more space than I want at the bottom of the paragraph element.

If you would remove that, Outlook would add it back. There are little '?' placed in the app that explain these type of things, just click it for the paragraph element to learn more about Typography in email design. I don't think there's too much space (sometime space is good ;)) but if you really want to do without you can use the text element (Outlook does not auto-add space for this element).

Kat Lind wrote:

Also, I cannot find where the grey background is coming from and would like to change it to white.

There's a background applied to that row. Simply select the row and click reset icon next to the 'apply to' control to remove the row styles. You can reapply the style you do want / need.

Hope this helps!
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User 473299 Photo

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Can I use it with YMLP?
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Linda Menkhorst wrote:
Can I use it with YMLP?

They allow you to upload your own HTML files, so that should work (as long as they don't make any changes to the code when sending...)
The future of web layout has arrived and it's called CSS Grid. CoffeeCup helps you to get ready with a free guide, the Grid Builder app plus cool demos & themes.
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We currently use How do I integrate RED with Bronto?
User 103173 Photo

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Dan Baldwin wrote:
We currently use How do I integrate RED with Bronto?

To export your email please visit EXPORTING YOUR RED PROJECT and follow the steps outlined.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2319362 Photo

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As far as sending campaigns directly from RED, I could see this working through Mandrill or SendGrid.

If it's something you're planning, then please also look into reporting and, eventually, analytics. Reporting is crucial to any size list, and analytics are particularly valuable for large lists. If you do go the DIY-Build-Your-Own-Platform route, being able to send from custom domains is crucial as well.

Alternatively, if you could simply include a "Send with Mailchimp" button that sends your template to Mailchimp and allows you to create a new campaign, that would also work.
User 10077 Photo

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As others have said, the ability to import names to the list would be great. Formats to import would include csv and xls, but it would be nice to be able to remotely connect to a mysql database and import from there as well.

Regarding sending out, you would definitely need to include some type of throttling component. Most ISPs that I have encountered, cut an account off if x number of emails are sent over y period of time (where x and y are thresholds set by the ISP). By throttling, the user can choose how many emails to send per minute.

Regarding integration, I'm sure you already know the big three. I use MailChimp, but I have clients who use aweber and constant contact. I'm sure there are others, but those are the three that I run into regularly.
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User 2537767 Photo

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I love the software, and look forward to using it regularly. I have a concern about the inclusions of lists that contain up to 99 emails per 'campaign', and what seems to be the sales pitch for the software. Will we be able to create a small campaign of less than 99 emails and send it?
What would be the point in creating a list of 99 emails and only being able to send the first 7 as the popup message implied? Why tell customers they can create email campaigns for up to 99 email recipients, when it doesn't seem to be the case, or being slowed to 49 emails per 3 hours.
Don't get me wrong - I'm a long time fan of Coffeecup and its software - but sometimes your ads should be clearer so some users don't feel deceived.
User 2832992 Photo

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Okay, I'm a new user to RED and have the immediate need to send out a campaign to 300 subscribers. Foolishly, I assumed this was a current capability of the software, i.e. import lists from csv or xsl, but to my chagrin it is not. So, I stumbled across this thread started in Dec 2014. It appears this idea has a lot of support, so I would say it's time to tinkle or get off the pot, in other words let's get it done already.
User 2030112 Photo

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I am a webhost I can bypass limitations by sending via my server.

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