What am I doing wrong?

User 418470 Photo

Registered User
101 posts

My z-index is grayed out?
I am starting with a blank slide desktop-first in px units (those were my options) Not entirely certain the function/roles of the Slideshow Container/Slideshow/Slide? Nevertheless I gave each one of those a unique-class-id
First I've added containers inside the Slide for each element and given each container a unique class-container-id,
Then came the elements each into it's own container with each element also getting a unique class-element-type-id.
Play around with colors, size, etc and realize I want the image indicators - okay. But I should have a Next/Previous arrow.

Then I take a shortcut and drop it into the 1st container (which is an image btw) instead of creating it's own container... If I change the margins or the padding it disappears behind the image, As it's the 1st image, there is only a Next and that's making the image off-center. Which is when I discovered the z-index is off and I can't turn it on.

What are my options at this point? Do I create a new "controls" container & then how do I make it float over the image?. I thought I saw an overlay setting somewhere? I added a Previous for balance but it just became a second Next as only Next options were available in the drop-down? Double checked, yes it was a Previous icon.

I have 5 slides to make with all the container elements being different, but all the layouts the same, I tried modifying the Click-Action template but the only thing I could change per slide was the picture. Even renamed the classes, added new containers... again, I'm probably doing something wrong. I really need some help?

I should have something clever to say... but I don't.
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User 2147646 Photo

Registered User
233 posts

I think that Z-index only works for elements that have a position of absolute or relative.

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