Suggestions for Responsive Content...

User 276801 Photo

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16 posts

You software is great but your instructions suck. I have never been able to figure out how to use responsive web designer and finally gave up and went back to dreamweaver. I just downloaded the responsive slider trial version and am about ready to giv eup on that as well. For most of us we need some more simple step by step isntructions on how to get started. I am at a loss on how to even create a simple slide show, let alone trying to get more creative.
User 276801 Photo

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well I have palyed with it enough to determien its worth buying, but it s a tough learning curve.
User 122279 Photo

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There are loads of instructions, but it may be hard to decide what to read first.
Sometimes I think that those instructions should not be written by people who have been part of the development of a programme and therefore know the ins and outs of it. For most users here the responsive programmes represent a whole new way of thinking and approaching a task, and experts tend to take shortcuts where new users, especially those who were VSD users, need more details.
Having said that, if you play with a programme long enough, you'll always be able to get under the hood of it. ;)
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2829218 Photo

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Set slideshow container height in %, like rows in RSD. As example to cover entire screen at 100%.
User 2829218 Photo

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Ability to randomize the order of the slides.
User 2830654 Photo

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I somehow got the product into a state where it would not ungray the 'save' option and no matter what I did I could not save it. I could use Save As.

Then while saving after editing a while, it crashed and the resulting file was corrupt and could not be read any more.

I'd suggest adding an automatic rolling backup - when you save a file, it would rename the earlier good file as .bk1, .bk2, .bk3, etc. for about 9 generations. This way when something like this happens, we can revert to a good file.

User 1946966 Photo

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The slides are already numbered but I would like to have the ability to display the slide number to the viewer and also under Player Controls have a "Go To___" function. The icon, image or text indicators are fine on a desktop or maybe even a tablet but they are real cumbersome on a smart phone, especially if you have a large number of slides.

My application is to have a slide show of artifacts found at an archaeology site. There could be a couple hundred slides and users may want to go to several slides without having to view all of them. If someone is interested in pipe stems, for example, I would like to direct them to the slider on the website with several suggested slide numbers to go to.
User 2793021 Photo

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I'm trying to create a responsive slider with thumbnail image indicators using RCS. The little gallery of thumbnail images is too wide for the max width of 600 px, so the images float left onto an extra line or more (see screenshot). I want to have a single line of thumbnails only, showing some of the images, but perhaps with a scroll bar. Can I do this using RCS?
User 2831138 Photo

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Not really a suggestion so much as a happy observation: I'm still reworking my site in Responsive Site Designer and getting my head around its conventions, and, on opening Responsive Content Slider to have a look at what it'll involve, I'm really happy to see so much consistency between the two programs!

Now, instead of feeling daunted, like "Ugh, I've got a whole other program to learn," it's like all the work I do in learning one is being rewarded in the other.

Thank you!
User 2590444 Photo

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42 posts

To be able to open more than one slider project at a time. Only having one at a time is limiting, form builder is the same having two or more open at a time would be beneficial if you are trying to emulate the same settings from one project to another - you would get visual clues.

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