uploading a file - Page 3 - Post ID...

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There is an icon on the tool bar that says 'upload'. Clicking on it brings up a menu that includes FTP Account > WCGS (which is my server info) > a folder that says (root).

That just shows you where you're set to upload to – good to check if you have several sites to make sure you have tthe right one selected.
To actually upload your site or files, go to the top menu bar and click on My Websites. You want the FTP Upload there, it gives you the option for entire site or just selected files. As long as you have files such as web pages open, you'll have both options.
How to use Projects in the Editor:
http://www.coffeecup.com/help/articles/ … cts-setup/ ;)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)

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