Coffee Cup Software and Linux - Page...

User 1118326 Photo

Trial User
1 post

i switched to ubuntu about 2 years ago. never had a virus or malware infection yet. just got a HPmini and it had windoze so i decided to break out the old copy of Coffee Cup and run on it. wouldn't you know it. got a virus from facebook within a week.
love the Coffee Cup Applications.
since windows is such an insecure operating system i can't waste my time getting malware removed when i have better things to spend my time on. so installed ubuntu on the mini as well. most applications for linux are better than the windows equivalents. a good html editor is one area that is lacking. if a good paid for version is not available soon then some one is going to develop it for free and release it open source.
As everyone gets tired of the "seamless secure operating environment" of windows (bill gates words not mine) that you have to get a new higher priced copy every 2 or 3 years
entire governments of countries switched to linux after the release of vista, the rstional was that it was too expensive to upgrade that many computers every time a new version came out and the old one was no longer supported. so they went open source.
if coffee cup and other software vendors do not get on this soon. you will find market share dropping and will have no entry into the linux arena due to someone else releasing a free product. if there is already a good program at a reasonable price and update support for a reasonable time, then the free open source development will be set back and who ever gets there first will dominate.
so get on the bus, or get left to walk in the new direction in computing
User 531474 Photo

Registered User
150 posts

I've use Unbuntu and I liked it alot. That being said, the software library just isn't there.There are some good open source applications available in the Linux world, but many of the apps we've come to know and love just aren't available.

The same argument could be made for the MAC OS. Its reliable and relatively virus free (although some viruses do exist). The software library for a MAC is good but not extensive.

The bottom line for many software companies is related to the size of the user base. Windows users are everywhere, MAC users are gaining ground (but not in a large way if you look at the total sales numbers) and Linux users are up and coming (again, not in a large way if you look at the numbers).

User 1176218 Photo

Trial User
1 post

Thanks very much for this stream. You answered exactly what I came to find. CC is NOT availlable in Linux.

I'm trying desperately to get a system set up to do web page development in Linux to support two non-profits using a php mysql server company for their sites.

Just can't seem to make the connection from PHP to MySQL to get simple DB working. I've been successful on their servers, but can't make the environment work on my machine. [I've tried both LAMP and LIMP systems with the same issue.]

So although I sure can't argue with the Open Source Free OS concept behind Linux I know it doesn't have a chance until the average user doesn't have to mess with config or ini files to make the software run!

Installers are great on stand alone software, but anything that needs to be configured to run MUST have a tool that guides a user through it. Opening up a file to make a change and trying to follow those terrible on line guides in MySQL or PHP or most Linux tools just drive any potential user AWAY.

Price of MS software is way too high, BUT, it pays for very smooth installs on lots of computers and NO darn files to open and play with.

Sorry for the rant. But thanks for answering the question about a Linux version of CC. Too bad. It looks like a great tool.

User 146692 Photo

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59 posts

I am also on UBUNTU... and since I work building websites it would be awesome to have to coffee cup tools available for linux... and some tool to submit websites to website directories (where you can add and remove directories) would also be awesome...
User 11944 Photo

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3 posts

You say that you are running CC on Linux using wine. Would you please give me some pointers on installing CC? I tried running the .exe in wine and it failed horribly. I usually don't run wine but do like CC. Thanks ahead of time for any help.
User 11944 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

BTW I am running Ubuntu 10.04 64bit. I used have all the latest update and some if not all the 32 bit libraries as I also run Oracle XE.
User 3004957 Photo

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851 posts

I don't know when, but I plan to one day in the next 2-3 years switch over from Windows to Ubuntu! With all the innovation that is being put into Ubuntu, it wouldn't surprise me what Ubuntu will become in the next year or two. I'm sure it'll become even more popular!

I love to use CoffeeCup HTML Editor and would hopefully one day like to see a version of the HTML Editor (and other software) for GNU/Linux. I guess the problem is that because there are so many different distributions of GNU/Linux, there are many different kind of packages to put the installations in. In that case, why not just stick with the GNU/Linux distros that are the most popular, like any that are derived from Debian GNU/Linux (like Ubuntu, gNewSense, etc.). Why not do a poll either on the website or in these forums asking GNU/Linux users to choose what distro they use/would like to use and get the user group based on that?

I know there are other GNU/Linux Operating Systems out there, and it'd be great if CoffeeCup can support them all, otherwise, as I said, just go for the distributions that have a larger user group. I see there is a section for Mac users to test software for the Mac OS, why not do the same with GNU/Linux? I can see, just by looking at this thread that there are many people wanting CoffeeCup software put into GNU/Linux, mainly Ubuntu. I've tried Ubuntu 10.04 in VirtualBox last year, and put on a Free/Open Source HTML editor from the Software Centre and still thought it wasn't as good as CoffeeCup's HTML Editor.

I'll stop now. Keep up the good work, CoffeeCup, but if you do end up supporting GNU/Linux, take your time and not be too rushed by any popular demand for GNU/Linux software. Good software would take time to make and it would be too bad to have your first GNU/Linux software feel like it was put together quickly and have rough edges. I paid for the HTML Editor once, but feel it would be worth paying for it again for GNU/Linux if I had to!
User 2206278 Photo

Registered User
8 posts

Another way of running CC in Linux is to run Windows in Virtualbox and just install CC to the Windows guest.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Brad,

I'm pretty sure I read in a thread a little while ago that there is not plans to create Linux versions of the software.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,470 posts

Yes, I've read that too. Among other things because all, or nearly all, Linux stuff is open source, so it's a financial question. Lance's solution for running CC apps will be the best, me thinks.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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