Changing from the free editor to the...

User 485953 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I have been running a web-site with many many pages and getting 600 to over 1000 page views a day, since 1999, mainlly on fairly simple HTML, and for some years have used your free HTML editor for editing pages before uploading on FTP. Some time last year I subscribed to your HTML editor, but, being bemused by its seeming complication reverted to the free version, and have only just decided to begin to take advantage of its developments.

My problem with the full version is the absence of the HELP system with <contents> <index> and <search> tabs so familiar in most programs, which usually give me a quick answer to the solution of some problem I come across. Your pdf version of HELP is good for an overview of the system, but a devil to search for such help !! (I grew up using MSDOS and non-graphical systems - and so often find that I revert to jpsoft's Take Command help system to help me out..... and get bemused by programs that seem designed to help those who don't want to learn HTML etc. behind the graphics).

User 345577 Photo

Registered User
373 posts

Hi, Paddy...

I'm an 'old-timer', too -- been dealing with these infernal contraptions since the early 70s, so I understand your pain. You wouldn't believe how irritating and confounding Windows 3.0 was to me after many years of command line & assembly language...

Anyway, the PDF help is different, but it's still very "helpful". You probably already know, but PDF files are searchable, and there's a Bookmarks icon that opens up a list of topics that you can scan in order to find a topic by browsing the list.

Here's a screen capture, that illustrates what I'm talking about:

You get this view by clicking on the page-with-blue-ribbon icon.

Hang in there, fellow 'old dog'. New tricks can be fun!

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