WOW Slider #2 - Page 3 - Post ID 209928

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Okay. I had that stacking problem too, at one point. What I found was the slider ID was incorrect. I was trying to place a slider that should have been 1 (ie. data1 and engine1) but in reality was 2. I couldn't figure out how the code was mixed, but deleted everything, started over, and it worked.

If you can figure out everything, get it all named properly, and up all files in all will work for you.

Good luck with it and let me know if I can do anything else for you. :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

Hi Shane,

As I promised a week ago, I'll explain how to embed WowSlider slideshows inside VSD the easy way, with an Iframe. What do we need for this?

- VSD of course
- WowSlider (or whatever slideshow maker, including Coffeecup products; in general any software producing HTML files)
- FTP software. And I presume you know how to use it, how to connect to your webspace and how to upload files to your webspace outside of VSD. Coffeecup Direct FTP -the free or paid version- is perfect for this task. Or you could do this with WowSlider itself....

First some explanation about an Iframe. You might describe it as a window, a hole inside your own website, showing another website, or better said: anything that can be shown using a browser. An Iframe can be added to VSD by means of the HTML tool. It's main parameters are the width and height of the Iframe window, if the window has a border or not and if you can scroll its content or not.

1. Make your wowslider show. Store this somewhere on your system. Write down its pixel widht and height.
2. Open your FTP software and connect to your webspace. Make a new folder there and upload all files produced by Wowslider to that folder (the data and engine folders and the index.html file -or whatever you might have called it-).
3. Surf to this address and see if your slideshow functions as you intended (i.e. surf to Copy this path with CTRL+C now or later, within step 4.
4. Open VSD, open your website design and go to the page where you want to show your slideshow. Make a HTML box there, place it somewhere on the page, the pixel width and height being the same of the WowSlider slideshow. Click on it so you can edit its content. Now insert this HTML code:


Use frameborder="yes" if you want a border. Use scrolling="yes" if you want scrollbars.

Now save your design and then preview your site with VSD. Your slideshow should be there!

You can use an Iframe for anything, like showing a blog inside VSD. Use your imagination..

Success, John
John van Hulst
User 143225 Photo

Registered User
27 posts

Thank you for the tip on WOW slider.
Here's how I add it to my sites:

You will need:
VSD - of course
WOW Slider
IE explorer and a blank index.html page

1. In VSD draw a box the size that you want you slide show and click on object properties. Remember the dimensions of the your box.

2. Go to WOW Slider, and create your slide show with the features and dimensions (remember if you add a thumbnail strip its going to make the slider bigger).

3. When you're done use the option to "insert here" option and open the blank index.html. I do this so I can play with the design before I actually add it to my site because add the files is time consuming. You an preview everything on the blank html page and keep making changes until it looks how you want then all you have to do is position it on your own site page.

4. Right click on properties and you will see the wow slider info that goes into the <head> and <body>.

5. Copy that information on to notepad (or simple text editor)

6. Go back to the VSD and add WOW slider folders and accompanying files using the edit drop down. You have to have the exact files structure. Someone mentioned the source files in another post.

7. Now go into your VSD page where you want the slider to appear and open up an html box the same dimensions as your slider

8. Copy the <head> and <body> from notepad into your html box

9. If you have the files uploaded correctly, you should be able to preview your slider when you preview your page.
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." - Eccles. 12:13

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