What is RSD? - Page 1 - Post ID 245121

User 2578278 Photo

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A recent email referred to RSD. As an owner of RLM, I'm naturally interested in what's coming down the line. So, what the heck is RSD, and where can I learn more about it?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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RSD is our Responsive Site Designer. More will be posted on that when it is ready for release. Don't ask when. ;).

If you own RLM, it will work IDENTICALLY to that program except you will be able to add all your content directly inside of that.
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User 2336860 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
RSD is our Responsive Site Designer. More will be posted on that when it is ready for release. Don't ask when. ;).

If you own RLM, it will work IDENTICALLY to that program except you will be able to add all your content directly inside of that.

So if I am reading this correctly, it makes me wonder what purpose RLMP will have when RSD comes out? This seems as if RLM is at the end of its time when RSD is released.
Color me confused! :/

User 2088758 Photo

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3,101 posts

No not really Scott, RLMP is just that a layout maker. Protyper.

So you can quickly slam together a layout to show a client your vision. Once they approve the layout you import it into RSD and create the website.
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Steve Kolish

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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Steve wrote:
No not really Scott, RLMP is just that a layout maker. Protyper.

So you can quickly slam together a layout to show a client your vision. Once they approve the layout you import it into RSD and create the website.

Could not have said it better myself. ;)

If you are creating a mockup for a client, why spend hours and hours getting graphics and other content to give them a rough idea of the design concept? With RLM, you can create a prototype in a few minutes and let them see the idea. If they like it, just open it in RSD and add the content.

I guess if you like creating full design prototypes, RLM would not be of much use for you but for what we use it for, it is a life saver. ;)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2336860 Photo

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Would it not be just as easy to do this as well in RSD? Or can layouts not be created in RSD?
Is this going to be similar to the SCCP and SCDP relationship?
I know I am asking questions for a program that is not yet released (while I still wait to see a responsive SCCP :D) and all will be know when RSD is released.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Chef-Scott wrote:

Would it not be just as easy to do this as well in RSD? Or can layouts not be created in RSD?
Is this going to be similar to the SCCP and SCDP relationship?
I know I am asking questions for a program that is not yet released (while I still wait to see a responsive SCCP :D) and all will be know when RSD is released.

I can see you are really confused on what RLM is used for here Scott. ;)

The answer is No and Yes. In RSD you will not have elements that represent a concept/idea. You would have to find actual graphics/images or whatever else is needed to build your site and then send it to your client. That takes a lot of time on your part. If you want to spend all that time trying to dig up content for just a layout in RSD, yes you can do it. You could do it very nicely.

The alternative is to just spend a short amount of time in RLM to get the layout/prototype (the concept) complete and approved by your client and then build the true website in RSD. Why expend a lot of effort on a design when your customers may not even know what colors or graphics they want to use? I can guarantee you if you send them a layout with specific graphics and colors, they will probably say right off the bat "I don't like that image". ;) So if you have all the time in the world, then RSD is probably perfect for your for layouts and site designs.

Another perk is you can just build the mockup and then send them the .rlmp file once they approve the project. They can open that in Site Designer and build their website from that.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2308430 Photo

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What news of RSD, I saw the inside back cover of Issue 230 of Web Designer, it is/was a CoffeeCup whole page advert/promotion of "The Best Tools for Responsive Design" including RLM, RED and RSD "Responsive Site Designer" implying that these maybe all actual products, I know RLM & RED are released as I have purchased them.
Can you let loose with a little news of maybe when RSD will see the light of day.
The easy answer I know will be 2015, since this thread stared back in 2014.
Please not let it be 31st DEC 2015 !!!!
User 2484360 Photo

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Ken Murdoch wrote:
Please not let it be 31st DEC 2015 !!!!

Of course not! :) It will be more to the toon of May 2018787. -1

We do not have a release date at this time. Once we do, rest assured, that we will be filling your inbox with the announcement of its birthday.

Do not miss out on any of the information, coupons and deals in our newsletter. Sign up so you know when to expect it RSD.
User 219465 Photo

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Steve & Scott,
I think you two have sold me on RLMP. Honestly, i have been waiting for RSD to appear, as I did not want to learn the ropes only to have that experience go to waste. Sounds like RLMP wont be a waste of time and can be a rather useful tool for presentations. Is it safe to assume there would be some type of discount for RSD if you are a current RLMP owner?

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