what files does VSD create and which...

User 446981 Photo

Trial User
17 posts

In my struggles to figure out what's wrong with my webpage I am trying to decipher the files made by VSD. When I created a new webpage "testpage"- VSD made these files in my directory on my computer:

birds.htm (my name for the second page)
These pages are in a folder listed as "files"

In my computer VSD has the "testpage.vnu" listed separately from the above "files" folder

So when I upload the newly created webpage using a third party FTP program- Which files should I transfer and which file should I rename so it is the first one that opens when the page first comes up? I have tried index.html and it still is listed as a directory-

If I upload a plain html file (hand coded) as index.html it works fine...

I am sorry for the extremely simplistic question , but , um... I don't get how the files are made and listed.

Op-XP, ISP earthlink.net, http://home.earthlink.net/~audubonsprings
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

hi roki.
basically the 2 index and 2 default files are for the different browers, each uses one or the other, so you can getrid of all but the index.html I suppose but if it isn't broken why touch it.
Only images will go into the files folder located in your website folder, everything else will be located just outside of the files folder, so as other pages, flashes (swf's)etc;
If you were to add a page or 2 then you would see Page1.html, Page2.html
which you can rename them if you like in Visual Site Designer or any other editing program such as CC html editor or notepad. you could even right click on and select rename.the link below will show the structure of VSD with the files folder that holds the images from your site and everything else outside it
Page Name

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,509 posts

And to add something: You don't have to upload the .vnu file. That is the file that lets you reopen your project, so keep it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 446981 Photo

Trial User
17 posts

I finally figured out my problem with some help of my ISP. I was trying to load the whole file "audubonsprings_website" into the site. So I loaded all the files separately. Then the images didn't work. I read the code and realized the program was telling the html to look for the images under "files/img" . I went back and uploaded the "files" folder with the images. And now it works with all the proper parts. Now I just need to finish the content!!! Thanks for the help!


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