VSD: Is it ok that my files in Add...

User 451118 Photo

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57 posts

VSD 5.9.3
Windows XP
I've uploaded my site successfully. It looks fine online. But I just opened coffeecup and the files in "add files" are all gone. The folders I made under the root directory are there, but they are all empty. However, the files do appear in Remove Files, and in the file manager of my server.

My question is: Is this normal? Do I need to reload them? It doesn't seem right to have those folders empty.

User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

Hi Windy,
I think you should upgrade to version 5.94, and soon the release 6.0, but I have a couple questions as to why you would need to use the add files when adding the images, and why add folders as well.
When adding images VSD places a copy into the files folder for you and uploads that folder to your server when you upload so there really isn't any need to use the add files, unless it's a document etc;.

If you have made moved and items you used to make your website then upgrading should be a snap, but if you have it will ask and show which files or images you need to complete it in the new version, we are more then happy to assist you in your upgrading if nessesary.

But as for your current situation, no that is not normal for them to disappear or be empty. You may just have to re-add them into VSD -save and reupload again if that doesn't work try using an external ftp to upload it.

User 451118 Photo

Registered User
57 posts

Thanks for responding, Bruce.

Forgot to mention that the only time I use the Add Files is when I'm adding images using the html tool--with I do twice on just about every page. I'm pretty certain I need to do it that way. If not, please let me know!
Under the root directory I made only three folders. I know it is best to keep your images in one place, but all of mine are small file sizes and it just helps me to keep everything organized if I can have 3 folders. I'm just not sure why every now and then the folders are empty.

I will upgrade to 5.9.4. But can you clarify your second paragraph to me? Not sure on it.

Thank you SO much,
User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

OK Windy.I'll try....
Yes if your using html coding to style your images or whatever you would need to do so (use add files)good point! but in your coding do the images point to that folder? for example you made three different folders Images 1, images 2,and images 3.
your code for the images that go in 2 would be something like images2/whatever.
that may interfere with the fact if you just placed them on the page without coding where they would be added to the files folder automatically.
I really don't think you need to use the html tool to just place the images unless you are using borders highlights stuff like that.

For an explanation to the second paragraph--let's say I made a website and used all my images from my pictures folder, and all my documents in the my Documents folder, and never moved them, so when I upgrade to 5.94 everything is where the previous versions files are and the new version can find all them in the same place, easy upgrade for me.
now lets say I moved my picture folder to a second hard drive 'D' now when I upgrade it can't find my images so I see what it asks for (which image) and now I have to go to the 'D' drive to show VSD where those images are again.thats the basic and what I mean if anything has moved since the making of your website that you may have to refind some of the images.
The new version makes a db file just for this reason and uploads it to your server and it will now know if and when you have made any changes-and will ask you what you want to do, remove them, ignore them, delete them, or nothing at all. wow hope that made sense.

would you have a link where we can see what your up against?

User 451118 Photo

Registered User
57 posts

Ok, Bruce,
This is just too weird. Check out ogiekanogie.com/sharitwo

It is really, really under construction. Some links aren't set. Some photos are not in place. However, if you take a look at some of the inside pages by clicking through a couple of times, you'll see some areas of roll-overs. That's the html where I have my files. VSD roll overs were not sufficient for what I needed.
I believe that all of my images point to the correct files.I haven't moved anything.
What's strange is that I lose the files in "add files" but they remain in "remove files." I can't add the files back in until I remove them! It won't let me! So, I have to remove them, then add them! Why?! I always, always save (especially since VSD has crashed on me one too many times :)

Any further help is so appreciated.
User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

ok went looking and I don't know if the coding is off or the fact that the images are basically missing, pheonix ogle.jpg and others are not there.they view in the large image not the tnail.
I'm using 5.94 and I can't duplicate your situation.hopefully someone with more experience will chime in. in the meantime try using an external ftp to upload your images to their folders.

User 451118 Photo

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57 posts

Oh, well the photos that you see missing on the website---are missing for an actual reason. I don't have the photos yet-waiting on some photography.

I'm really just wondering why files disappear from my "add files" list, but remain in my "remove files" list.

When I attempt to upload it will tell me all those files are missing.

Then I have to remove them all from "remove files" and re-upload from my hd into the "add new files" list.

Thanks, Bruce for taking the time to check it out! I wonder if anyone else has any insight.
User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

Windy, I would say this this that if it comes to you having to do all that again, over and over, I would just upgrade to 5.94. then rebuild it.
I can't duplicate your problem in 5.94 so maybe it's a fix . anyway nice site and good luck, i'll be looking to see what the replies will be myself.

User 493880 Photo

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7 posts

I am having the same problem and it is very annoying. Actually, the files are indeed on my site but when I try to upload it with changes, about 50 messages appear telling me my files cannot be found, and these are all the files I had to add when using the html tool, not just ramdom images...The files are there when I g to the remove files window, but not there in the add files window...This guy Bruce keeps saying to upgrade to VSD 5.9.4 and does not give you a solution...Well, I am using the latest version and still get the same problem, and I have not changed the location of my files...Actually, the messages refer to the folder where the files have been all this time and from where I added them...So, what is the deal?
User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

I have no solution for this does not happen to me when I use the add files, However give me an example of what type of files your talking about, for instance, pdf's, html's word doc's so far none of these have hindered my uploading, or any type of error's.
I'm running XP-SP2.
When a window comes up (error) does it mention it can't find , or do you wish to search for it, or would you like to delete?, if it does see if selecting no does a bypass.
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please go to the contact link above a put in a support ticket.

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