VSD 5.94-- get files from server-...

User 446981 Photo

Trial User
17 posts

I have a webpage at www.stetsonfutbol.com which I designed with CC-VSD. It was on my old computer which has sinced crashed.

I am trying to download my website files to my new computer by going to my web host and copying files from the server and transferring them via a FTP tool - filezilla. The files are now on my new computer. But when I try to access them with VSD, they do not work. Instead I see a page with blocks of color ( colors of a different webpage, the last one I designed with VSD) And an error message comes up "cannot find photo" . I cannot close or cancel or proceed with VSD . The only thing I can do is crt-del-alt and close VSD via task manger.

Any ideas? While I was planning on redoing the webpage, it is large and I wasn't wanting to do it yet!! And I don't think it would work if I "view source"/copy for each page and save each photo-- Plus that would take longer than doing a new webpage... Help! please?

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


VSD keeps all the site information in a .vnu file. If you have uploaded the vnu file to your site, that is the file you need to open. VSD will expect to find all the files in the same locations they were on the crashed computer.

So if you have the .vnu file and can put the graphics in teh correct location, VSD should work.
User 446981 Photo

Trial User
17 posts

Well, all of the files are on my hard drive, including the VNU, each page and the "files" file with all of the images. I try to open the file, but it just comes up with the color blocks. The webpages I have designed on the new computer all work fine and comes up in VSD normally. Any other ideas?

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


The only thing I can think of is that the .vnu file may be corrupted.

Have you opened a ticket with CoffeeCup?
User 446981 Photo

Trial User
17 posts

Hi Bill,

No, I haven't yet opened a ticket with CoffeeCup-- I just assumed I was doing some wrong;)) I will try that --I keep forgetting about the official support channels!

User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Hi Tammy,
If I may, and it's kind of a question if anything, but when you originally opened VSD and that vnu file, did anything pop up like VSD asking for an image or something, and you just clicked ok to close it? It will replace any images with block colors if it cannot locate those missing images or whatever. So basically the original images were apparently moved from the place the site images were. If that makes sense. Is this possible?

User 446981 Photo

Trial User
17 posts

Yes, a window pops open and says "the selected picture does not exist". It does give the option of "try again".... which gives the same result. When you select "try again" a window pops (windows explorer with the file structure) open and wants me to look for the correct photo in my files ( all files, not the VSD "file" folder, if that makes sense!) It clearly wants me to search for the "missing picture". There are over 200+ images- I can't select each one!
I did try to select missing picture which doesn't work.

User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

Tammy I'm affraid to say that the only way to fix that is to either go through all your images 1 by 1 or redo the site, It could be as easy as when looking for the images to look into the files folder to have to find them else wheres. Over 200 is alot I agree but I see no other way.
If you recall how your file structure from your old comp before it crashed was like, and make it as if nothing ever happened for example if you had a folder in My Documents called MyImages, and when you made the site originally, VSD could and would detect that that folder is there, (if that makes sense)you may have to point to one image but not all 200....in other words make you file structure as if it was the old comp and it could work for you that way.
But let's wait and see what the CC people say, they may explain it better.

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