Please Help Me

User 459991 Photo

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I've designed a site using VSD. Instead of using FTP to upload, I manually uploaded all the images and html docs onto the mainframe of my yahoo hosting site. I put all the files and images into the "file" subdirectory. I put all the html files on the root directory. Just about everything is working fine, except some of the images are not being referenced correctly. So I looked at the properties of one of the incorrect images online. It says it's referencing IMG 111. When I look at IMG 111 in my VNU file on my desktop it shows the correct image. But when I look at IMG 111 in the "file" subdirectory on the yahoo mainframe, it shows the wrong one. I manually tried to upload the correct IMG 111 from the VNU file on my desk top. It says it uploaded correctly, but when I view it again in the "file" subdirectory on the hosting mainframe, it's again the wrong image. There are several of these throughout the website.

Can someone please help me. I don't know what to do. Thank you so much in advance!!!

User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

Hi S.
The file structure for a yahoo is basically the same as all sites using VSD,
The files folder holds all the images used in the website unless the image was added using the "add files", then that would also place that image in the root section. If your image 111 is fine offline, and online it's seems off, then I would like to suggest deleting the one online then re-uploading agin, if this does'nt correct it, you may also try removing that image from your page, save it, then re-add it and then upload.
First we should see why your choosing not to use the built in ftp.
Are you having problem setting that up? Can we help you with that, it's always best to use VSD's ftp less problems. Please let us know.
This may or may not help you. VSD.html

User 459991 Photo

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10 posts

Hi Bruce,

First of all, thank you so much for the reply. I've spent many hours reading the CC forums, and you have been solely responsible for solving thousands of folks problems, thanks for all you're doing for all of us out here!

I'm not using the built in ftp because everytime I do, without a doubt, there is always an "error in upload." This usually happens while the ftp program is uploading images. All my ftp setting are correct and tests out great, it'll put most of the website up but then, out of nowhere, it will stop while uploading an image. It'll stop on IMG 17, for example, then just post the error message. I spoke with my host tech support at Yahoo and they've told me to just simply upload all the files manually and everything will work fine. I was kind of skeptical about this so I spoke with Coffee Cup tech support yesterday and the gentleman told me that it doesn't matter how the image files and html files are loaded to the host main frame, as long as they're there, everything will work fine.

In the past, I've used a combination of both processes. I've started using the ftp, when it "errors" on an image #, I'll manually add that image to the "files" subdirectory on the main frame. Then I'll start the ftp again and it works fine. Today, with this website I'm working on, nothing I try is working. The ftp errors no matter if I add the images manually or not. My saved vnu file is perfect, and actually, most of the published website is in functional order with the exception of the last few pages.

I know I'm writing you a novel here Bruce, but I just want to give you the full picture of what I've done. I tried deleteing IMG 111 from the main frame, then relaoding it, it still puts a different image up in directory. I then deleted it from my vnu website, saved that, closed, reopenned, added a new one, uploaded, and still the same thing is occurring.

Thank you for listening to my problem, I'm certain that you are extremely busy, but any advice you could give me would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

User 282670 Photo

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when you deleted img_111 did you happen to go into your website folder and remove there? or just remove and save in VSD? You might also want to clear out your temp folder as extra thing to do. I have a website on Yahoo myself and I've uploaded both ways, and find it easier to use the built-in ftp, and the only hang ups I had with uploading that way was the size of an image, or there was a space in the name of it, Yahoo is very picky about that type of thing if you haven't notice everything must be a singe word or spaced with an underscore. (My_Place).
Could that be a cause?
I also had a corrupted image as you have, wrong one in it's place so what I did was ( keep in mind I only had 5 to 10 pages)open VSD then minimized it, then I opened my website folder and selected eveything and deleted it, then minimized my website folder and maximized VSD and selected save, that got rid of the old and replace3d with the new. But I made a back up in case anything went wrong. I would try the easiest first and I would also try another ftp client like filezilla, which I've never had a probem with.
or Direct ftp or anything....
Please use a nickname instead of your email because of this being an open forum,spammer will visit you like white on rice. lol
Do you have the latest version of VSD?

User 459991 Photo

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10 posts

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the heads up on spammers, changed my profile name. I've actually tried everything you've suggested. I only have 8 pages on my site. I've openned VSD, then openned the files folder, deleted everything, deleted all html, then re-saved, always with a back-up. Re-uploaded everything again manually, and still the same issue.

My Image 111 is IMG_111. All of my images have underscores and no spaces. When I tried to refresh that image, I deleted it from the yahoo site as well as my vnu, then republished, still the same problem.

I've never tried filezilla, does it work the same way as vsd's ftp?

Once again, thank you for all your continued help and advice, I'll try anything you suggest!

User 459991 Photo

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10 posts

Hi Bruce,

Forgot to mention I am using the latest version of VSD.

I tried you suggestion, I did the following:

I cleared out everthing on the Yahoo hosting site. I openned up my VSD with the website in it, minimized it, openned the folder that contains the VNU files and deleted everything, minimized that folder, maximized the VSD website and saved it, totally refreshing the saved folder. I downloaded filezilla, plugged in my ftp settings and uploaded again to Yahoo (by the way, that was a lot faster than doing it manually). But, still the same issue with the images corrupted on 3 pages.

I called Yahoo, and they basically told me to call Coffee Cup, but the guy did say that it looks like VSD created a corrupt html file. His best advice was to delete the messed up pages, rebuild from scratch and republish.

I took the simplist page on my site with corrupt images, Deleted the page, rebuilt from scratch, published. Now it seems that things are worse than before, not only is that page still messed up, but one more is as well.

Is the program renaming my image files and trying to reference the old names or something? I just can't figure out what to do, and I'm kind of afraid now to do any more damage. Everything is saved fine in my VNU, it looks great on VSD. Yahoo says the problem is not on their end. Should I be going with another hosting company? Is there one that is more compatible with CC? Please help.

User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

Hi S-man
Yahoo isn't the problem! When images are added to VSD the new version may use the original name or if text is used will convert it to an image as in your example. I don't know for sure which images are converted but looking at one of my sites page it's only my text that was changed, and and certain images. that alone is strange.
Is it a jpg, png, GIF, BMP not that it makes a difference I'm just curious.
If I could take a look see would be even better. If you don't wish to have it shown here you may contact me, and I'll let you upload to my server so I can better take a glance at it if you don't mind. Or even email me the problem image.

I don't think VSD is the problem either by the way, but i'm thinking it's in the transfer or something it might even be a matter of unistalling , restarting and re-installing VSD, to using the resync til it errors out. You could try and remove the image again, save it, re-add it only this time go to settings>add files> add that image, save it again then preview make sure all is ok, filezilla it up to server.


User 459991 Photo

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10 posts

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for your continued help. I tried you suggestion; I uninstalled VSD, restarted, reinstalled, tried to sync with VSD ftp but it errored out. I uploaded again with Filezilla. (I told you that I had 4 pages with corrupt images on them, last night I rebuilt one of them and uploaded, and it messed my pages up, even more jarbled.) When I just uploaded now, the page that I rebuilt is perfect, but the other 3 that I didn't touch are still messed up. I'm up for an all day project of rebuilding these pages, but that's only a temporary solution for the present right? Technically, I should be able to make changes to VSD, save and re upload, I think.

I would love it if you would take a look at these pages. Being that this is a public forum, I'll send you the links thru email if that's cool. Thanks for looking into this Bruce.

User 459991 Photo

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10 posts


I just sent you the links to my troubled pages, please let me know if you want me to send you anything else, or if you want to upload anything to your server. I'm going to be on this forum all day today, hoping to get this resolved by tonight.

Thank you for everything.

User 459991 Photo

Registered User
10 posts

Hey Bruce,

Just an update, I found on one of the forums if you check "passive" on the advanced tab on VSD's ftp setting, sometime that works. I did that and for the first time was successful in uploading everything thru VSD's ftp.

Everything uploaded, but the images are still messed up. I deleted my temp internet files, cookies, and history, but still the same thing when I view.

Thanks for listening.


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