How Would You Approach This? - Page 1...

User 245356 Photo

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I am a professional fine art photographer. I have a physical art gallery and a website built with VSD (see:

My portfolio of images keeps growing and I currently have about 150 on the website, with approximately another 75 to be added now. My problem is the way I have organized, indexed and categorized my works, it is now a major hassle for someone like me with limited skills and time, to update the site as I keep introducing new images (that's why I procrastinate in doing updates).

I am trying to simplify my life by eliminating some of the information I attach to each image page so that going forward I will only have the name of the image and a "request for information" type of field I can make with Form Builder. I can then handle inquiries personally via email, telephone and in my gallery. I am also going to eliminate online purchases via Paypal as I only get maybe 1 or 2 a year anyway. (I know this may sound strange, but 100% of my online sale are from existing clients and due to the higher pricing of my work, it is extremely unlikely that someone who has not seen my work in person, would buy it from a small image on my site.)

So, if you were going to design a website that had to display over 200 images (or any product I suppose), and really all you needed was a general and simple method of putting them into categories (eg: landscapes, waterfalls, etc) for clients to navigate to that section, and adding new images would be as easy as possible, how would you approach that?

The way I have set it up on this site currently is too cumbersome for me to keep it up to date because it means adding new thumbnails and text links each time I add a new image.

I have VSD, Form Builder and am happy to purchase any other CC product that would make this doable for me.

Many thanks for any suggestions or samples of similar approaches.

User 603315 Photo

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938 posts

If your asking how I would do.a.photographic website and Ive.done a few I would go by the old saying less is more. Im not on a.pc and this mobile device is losing charge but I would rethink the whole think by just putting new work up if youve already got existing customers
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Pain or not I think you have an excellent site up now and some fine pieces of work! Nicely done.

That said, I have a sister in law that is also an artist. She uses smugmug to showcase her work. I'm not sure of the pricing or if it is any easier to set up, but you might look at it.

You're right about your pricing but it's your work. I really like the setup you have now! :cool:
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Piwigo :cool:
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2336860 Photo

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Why not set it up with Shopping Cart Creator Pro? And use Shopping Cart Designer Pro if you feel the need to adjust the layout.

User 603315 Photo

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Kenneth wow do I admire you in the fact, that's got to be a labour of love, I love your photos, photography is my hobby love it, so I know when I see talent and you got it fellow. That's not to say I'm going back on my initial judgement of your site, to me it's sensory overload, having said that, I have medical issues that make me like that.
All the best
User 245356 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
Piwigo :cool:


Sorry pal, but I have no idea what Piwigo means.

User 103173 Photo

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Kenneth Smith wrote:
Eric Rohloff wrote:
Piwigo :cool:


Sorry pal, but I have no idea what Piwigo means.

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User 245356 Photo

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52 posts

G'kar, Gunsmoke:

Thanks for the compliments. As for using Smugmug, etc., I would like to keep it all on my server. I just a simpler interface and a much easier way to make additions to the collection. As it is now, I have to re-jig the text based links and add new thumbnails and so on. There has to be a better way.

Chef-Scott: Thanks, I may look into that if I can figure out all that stuff about server requirements which is WAY over my head. My initial look at it on the CC site is that it may be much more than I need -- but remember, I really don't know what I am doing.

Failing that, any other suggestions folks?


User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,098 posts

Have you ever thought about using Visual Lightbox Kenneth? I use that a to display my images in thumbnail format. You can check out some of clients larger galleries here:

I created this in VSD so I know it could work for you. This application is supper easy to use and it automatically fits the images for you. You can learn more about it here:

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