Easy Reliable Site Backup VSD - Page...

User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Unfortunately, when not able to talk face to face, sometimes things are misunderstood. When you said you didn't know how to create a new folder, that led me to believe you might not have a lot of computer experience. So, where to start? How to explain something? Will it be too simple, or too complicated? I don't know... just have to try and hope it's taken the right way and that the information offered is useful.

This is why I thought you wanted to know about user names:
I have no idea what to type in as user name. There are some suggestions in the drop down but I have no idea where they came from or what they are.
I did ask if that was a typo, but got no response to that :/

Then this:
Again my goal is to get all of the technical settings set properly and the when it comes time to upload it will go smoothly. and I can do it through the FTP software we have.
So that's why I thought you had brought up the user name and maybe weren't sure about the FTP process.

I really do hope you're off to a good start with VSD, and tried to answer your questions as best I could, based on what you posted. Please don't let a communication break-down spoil your experience. Heck, my feelings are a bit hurt, too – I spent all this time and effort thinking I was being helpful, only to find out most of it was misunderstood and taken the wrong way :(:(:(

I wish you success with your site, and if you need any more help, there are plenty of people here to steer you in the right direction (and maybe explain things much better than I did :D).

Take care,
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 464376 Photo

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158 posts


Thank you for your letter. The miscommunication was based on the fact that Steve and yourself somehow ended up talking about FTP and I was not aware of this. I never inquired about FTP and I 'm not sure how or why it went in that direction. When you were asking me about passwords and such I'm thinking VSD and what did I do wrong. So this came back to look like I didn't know what a password or user id was. It got me alarmed thinking I have missed something in VSD and my files are still not good.

Then the save as... When you said first time you save do a save as I thought OMG no one ever told me I had to do a save as in VSD for some reason first when I had already saved my work numerous times and it is now no good again. This why I said it would be nice to warn people about these settings when we were talking about two different programs.

This was absolutely a miscommunication. I reread the posst and I still do not know how we ended up talking about FTP. I guess people took it wrong when i said there should be a warning about getting all the proper technical settings before proceeding. I believe you side took it to mean FTP and I was still talking about. VSD. I was refering to page title and page id in VSD so you know how to set up your pages. As a new comer it is not clear what to write in those spaces. To go one step further... when you came back with the FTP stuff and I;m still thinking VSD you were talking about those settings and I did not know that because I never spoke of FTP at all. Anyway it was a miscommunication. Contrary to what you said in your post about your guidance not helping me, nothing is farther from the truth. You guidance and help brought me to understand VSD and the extra little tidbit of using folders to organize ones work was icing on the cake. So not only have I learned a web building platform void of templates I know how to set up folders. I always sort of did things my way which has worked for me for the last 15 years or so. Folders is easier and better.

I did get a email from someone saying I was criticizing when I thought my little letter was heartfelt with a lot of praise for your help and the new world VSD is opening up for me. I believe they needed to know the whole context of the situation and how somewhere we ended of talking about two different programs and I was dtill on VSD. Wow 4 days on the forum and I'm already in trouble this is going to be a great ride with good intelligent people.

I will leave with this which I stated in the letter." I think highly of people like yourself. It takes a lot of brain power and energy to help people with technical problems."

I thought your help was amazing (which I also stated in my letter). I truly mean that.

Thanks again Callie

p.s. I hope Steve reads this so He knows the complete picture.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Daniel, my name is Scott not Steve. ;)

But I think all has been said that needs saying. It sounds like things are now on the right path for ya. ;)
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User 464376 Photo

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158 posts

OOPS! Scott sorry about that. I'm glad you have read the posts. VSD does what I have envisioned and when I say has opened up a new world for me in web building I truly mean that.

Thank you
User 464376 Photo

Registered User
158 posts

Hello People of the Forum,

I am new to using VSD, four days, and was on a roll and getting things organized and got zapped with a hard drive crash and 100% data loss. I am now up and running have downloaded all of the software. organized content and ready to start building back this site. The build on the VSD plarform is not what concerns me. I have unraveled that and love it. It is getting all of the folders and settings right within VSD. Paintbrush laid it out for me pretty nicely but She is not online right now so I am putting out to anyone that can help.

1. I created a folder call "J12 website" in documents where all of my folders for this new website will go
2. I now open up VSD click and the platform appears
3. I click on create a new website and new website box appears
4. In the box I name page and page Id Home for page name and index for page ID set the properties that are ask of within that box and begin my page
5. Now is where are not sure to go...
I want to save my page so I click on save. At this point will the .vsu and j12website_website
be created on its own within VSD where I can then place them in the main folder "J12 website"
or do I have to create .vsu and j12website_website myself?
6. If they are created by VSD within VSD then all new pages I'm assuming will be created like this
I just need to name and id them and put them in the folder
7. For images and whatever content I might want I should create folders and place them under my
main folder "J12 website"

Please any help to get my on and keep me on the right path after the hard drive crash would be appreciated. The more simply clear you can be the better. I had it down but after the crash and the time it took to get running again I lost the set up details. At this point I am only concerned with VSD setup not FTP or anything else.

I thank you in advance.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,196 posts

Save you website then create the folder for all the files just outside the folder that VSD creates when you save. For me I have Visual Site Designer/mywebsitename_website as created by VSD and I have a folder that I made Visual Site Designer/Mywebsitename files.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 464376 Photo

Registered User
158 posts

Eric Hi,

I am going to say this back to you just to make sure I am reading/hearing correctly.

1. create the home page or index page save this
2. at that point VSD saves and creates this folder automatically as websitename_website and .vsu
3. then create the overall folder as "my website" folder or whatever I name it
4. then put the website_website folder and .vsu folder into the my website folder
5. put all newly created pages an image folder or any other folders I create into "my websit"e folder

So just to say it again and make sure. on the first save of my index page/homepage the website_website folder and .vsu folder are created automatically within VSD?

Again Thanks in advance
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,196 posts

As you create new pages for your site VSD will always save them in the original folder that was created unless you do a "save as" and either change the name or location for the save. Let VSD do all the grunt work for you and sit back and relax. Open your site when you want to work on it and just hit the save button when your done, VSD will take care of the rest. The folder for all the files that you add to the Visual Site Designer folder is just for convenience and not necessary at all. Think of it this way. Lets say you add an image to a page. You use the add image tool in VSD and you browse to your desktop because that's where you saved that awesome photo of your kid from your camera. You publish your site and everything works great. Now lets say a few months down the road you get tired of all those icons on your desktop and decide to do a little cleaning. So you remove that awesome photo of your kid and put it in your picture folder. Now you decide while your on your pc to do a quick update of your website. You do your changes and hit publish and VSD gives you an error saying that it can't find that awesome photo of your kid and would you like to publish anyways. VSD will look for it where it was when you added it to the page. It doesn't know you moved it. This is why I keep a folder outside mywebsitename_website folder to keep everything that I add to my website pages because I know not to delete or move any of this content unless I know I'm done with it for use on my website.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 464376 Photo

Registered User
158 posts

Eric thank you. This hard drive crash really threw me off track. Just to clear one thing up on the folders. Before the crash when I would preview my site the images would not appear in the preview. The message I received was that the images could not be found. I would just pull them out of my documents on my computer. I was told at that time that I needed to make an image folder for the images I wanted on the site and put this under the main folder. Am I correct in doing that? I've yet to begin the rebuild. It seemed there was not a good download when I reinstalled the CC software so last night I did a complete uninstall and downloaded again. I am going to start again this morning and just want all the folders and files to be clean and correct before beginning.

Again thanks in advance
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,196 posts

Yes you can put it under the main folder just don't manually place anything inside the mywebsitename_website/files folder.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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