The flowing of text around an image is a technique that is frequently part of a designer's arsenal. Although the process of wrapping text has changed over the years, this is easily accomplished...
Which app is right for you We offer several different responsive design apps for users of all skill levels - from the code-masters to the beginners. With so many options available, you may not...
Do you want to create your own fully customized reports? With Website Insight you can! Using our Responsive Site Designer (RSD) and Responsive Layout Maker (RLM) , you can customize...
This article has been updated! Version 5.0 of CoffeeCup Image Mapper will create stunning responsive image maps which means no more having to “hack” the code to produce one! The Wizard will...
Ready to export your image map? When exporting, you have two choices to select from (responsive and non-responsive). To start the export process go to File > Export Image Map select the type of...
The Stack This is one of the most frequently used responsive action. The reason for that is simple, at small screens there is little room for content to be displayed next to each other....
How-to's and Tutorials: With Responsive Layout Maker (RLM) not only can you create a wireframe/prototype, you can also export and create a responsive website from the generated files. Here...
Customizing Content and Styles Each element, including the grid itself, the rows and columns, can be customized. These customization options are located on the...
Populating the layout design with content elements This part of the application is so intuitive that it barely needs any explanation. Simply decide on your content needs, drag them on your...
We all know videos can be a very powerful tool in helping your visitors make a decision on what to buy or simply learn more on what you have to offer. Inserting these videos into Responsive...
Responsive Layout Maker comes in two versions, Responsive Layout Maker and Responsive Layout Maker Pro. Both versions allow you to create amazing site layouts, but there are distinct differences...
We all know that designing a website can be time consuming and labor intensive and developing a responsive website can be even more challenging. There are so many different variables to a...
It is always helpful to have predefined classes when designing any website. That is why both Coffeegrinder and Bootstrap 2 have included a few predefined classes that can make building your...
window.location.href = ""
Display Properties are used for controlling the way elements flow within your layout. All elements have a default display depending on what type element it is. Usually this is block or inline....
One of the most common element everyone wants to add to their website are images. With Responsive Layout Maker, we offer you two options for adding them to your layout. The Export Path...
Introduction Billions of people access the Internet from devices with all different screen sizes. To assure a good looking, usable website on every single device, it's gotta be responsive....
window.location.href = ""
Layout Maker Pro Template Pack Looking for inspiration on how to create a responsive layout? If so, then we got you covered! Here we have put together an awesome bundle of responsive layouts...
A solid, custom, responsive layout design in 9 simple steps This article will teach you how to create a structure of a responsive page design, focusing only on the placement of the content...
When adding your menu to your Responsive Layout Maker project, there may be some height and overflow rules that are being overwritten in the CSS. To correct that, you need to add a CSS...
We are working on it! We have a lot of information that we want to cover here, so be patient with us as we continually update this article. How (Responsive)...
Grids Create Order and Consistency. Consisting of a series of rows and columns, grid based layouts convey order and consistency. They provide an organizational framework that helps to create...
We know that you were taught that pushing and pulling were unacceptable in school, but that is only if you do it to a living being. It does not count when it is an Element in your design!...
Need a little more pratice? In this article we explain how to edit the HTML and CSS of the remaining pages of our project. Follow along with the instructions and your Nova theme will be up and...
Responsifying the Design The preview (and editing) area in Responsive Layout Maker is an actual browser. This has the advantage that the design will look and behave exactly like it will when...
Most people don't want to even worry about server/system requirements, because it can be complicated stuff. There are however a few things you need to be aware of in order to install Responsive...
To help you take advantage of the full potential of Layout Maker, we have put together a glossary of the most common terms we use through the software to help you become more familiar with the...
Now that your layout is ready for the public, you’ll want to explore your options for putting it on the web. You can publish to S-Drive by entering your CoffeeCup account information, export...
Now that you know how Layout Maker works, let’s put your skills to the test. Here we are going to walk you through a quick process on how to build a layout. This only covers the basics, but...