If you are receiving an alert from your anti-virus or security program concerning PuTTY, typically these errors are caused by your antivirus software definitions files being out-of-date and...
Yahoo has made the change to secure connection so this means we have to make a small adjustment in your settings of DFTP. Follow the steps below to connect to your Yahoo Server: Step 1: Open...
If you are having problems with images that are uploaded with Direct FTP and they appear corrupted, follow these instructions to correct the problem: Step 1: Download and install the...
New to S-Drive? No worries! It's actually a very simple way to host full-featured and powerful websites. We have an entire series of tutorials that will help you through many of the wonders of...
To backup your Direct FTP database, you simply need to copy the file to a secure location. Once you do that, you can then install Direct FTP on the new system and copy the file back. Here is...
With the latest release of Direct FTP, we made a few changes based larger in part by feedback from you, our customers. In previous versions of the software, the FTP activity took up a large...
Now that Direct FTP supports uploading to S-Drive, you can quickly and easily upload just about any type of file you can think of! This gives you greatly increased flexibility to build your...
Clicking the Servers button in the Toolbar or navigating to File > Manage Servers opens the My Servers window . The My Servers window allows you to set up a server profile you can use to...
If you connect to the Internet using a proxy server, you will need to configure this in Direct FTP before you can connect to your server. To access the proxy server settings, first click Edit...
Please note that these are all suggestions. If they do not resolve your issue, contact your hosting provider. Because they have all the information about your server and website, they are best...
Note : This feature is only available in version 5.2 or lower. Here's a useful feature for those among us whose spelling or typing skills are less than perfect. If you find yourself making...
There are several possible causes for this issue: 1. Have you tried refreshing your browser? 2. Have you tried deleting your temporary Internet files? To do this in Internet Explorer,...
CoffeeCup Direct FTP is a program designed to give users the ability to transfer files from a home computer to a server. For instance, if you are designing a website, you can use Direct FTP to...
To publish your website to the Internet, you will need to use either S-Drive or purchase space on a server where your website will be stored. Server space is owned by a hosting provider, such as...
You may want to contact Tripod and make sure you actually have FTP access with your account. If you don't, you will not be able to use Direct FTP to upload your files.
The trial version of Direct FTP has the same functionality as the registered version. The only difference between the two is that the trial expires after 25 days.
If you are using a firewall, you will need to scan your computer for Internet-enabled programs. This ensures that your firewall is aware that the program exists and can therefore add it to a list...
Making backups of your files is an important part of being a web designer. After all, you never know when you may need access a previous version of your website. Direct FTP makes it easy to back...
If you receive a specific error, refer to the FTP Error Codes article in this Knowledgebase. If not, there are several possible causes for this issue. The best way to determine if the reason you...
This can occur if you upload your pictures in ASCII mode instead of binary. To switch the transfer mode, navigate to Actions > Transfer Mode , and then select the proper mode from the list....
If you experience errors uploading with Direct FTP, you may want to check the access logs on your server for any of the following FTP error codes. 500 Series: The command was not accepted...
If you're having trouble connecting, sometimes the solution is as simple as enabling Passive mode. You can find this option by navigating to File > Manage Servers and putting a checkmark...
Not only does Direct FTP have the ability to upload files, it also comes with a built-in, fully functional HTML editor. For the most part, the Editor functions just like any plain text editor,...
Try disabling Passive Mode . To do this, navigate to File > Manage Servers , select the desired profile, and uncheck Passive Mode . If the program still will not connect, consult this...
There is nothing in Direct FTP that will automatically terminate the connection, but the server will usually implement some type of auto-disconnect feature for security reasons. You should contact...
At this time, there is not a tool available in Direct FTP to recover accidentally deleted files. However, if your Web hosting provider has a backup of your site, this may be possible. Contact...
If you plan to upload files containing sensitive information and would like an added level of security, you can enable this option in Direct FTP. Navigate to File > Manage Servers , click...
There are several potential reasons why you are not able to upload your webpages: You may need to upload your files to a specific subfolder on your server. To set this subfolder,...
Follow these three steps to upload your files to your server: Step 1: Once you are connected to your server, navigate to the folder where you want to store your files. You can do this by...
If, when trying to delete certain files or folders, the icon just flashes, disconnect and then reconnect to your server and try again. If this doesn't work, you may want to contact...