Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Web...

User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

From Eric's site:

Scroll down to anchor links on same page.

Come on, Viv.... try a little html.... Dare Ya! :lol:
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 539803 Photo

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Nope its all gobledegoop to me :)

So near yet so far, form almost does a perfect job, come on CC should this bit of form builder have options at this stage, so we can edit not just the text, but also the form result height.

Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
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User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

You can do it!!! You can do it all night long!!!

I know you can do this Viv, you just have to copy and paste... Just like in VSD. Just in HTML it is words instead of pics.

"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 103173 Photo

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Viv ...VSD & SCCP user wrote:
Nope its all gobledegoop to me :)

So near yet so far, form almost does a perfect job, come on CC should this bit of form builder have options at this stage, so we can edit not just the text, but also the form result height.


We could stop working on calculations and payment integration if you want us to focus on that Viv. We only have so many things we can do at once. ;)
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User 187934 Photo

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Viv it's less coding then filling out a check.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
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This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

Eric Rohloff (Rolly) wrote:
Viv it's less coding then filling out a check.;)

I filled out the cheque where would you like it posted :)

Scott a text box in SCCP would do ;) SOON you said :P
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 413036 Photo

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19 posts

I've been trying to find out how to specify where I want the files uploaded to the server to GO. I can't find it -- either it's not there or it's not obvious.

SUGGESTION: on the PROPERTIES tab when you select a FILE UPLOAD element, allow us to specify what folder these files are to go into; The easiest way would be for us to specify a folder relative to the location the form is called from. For example, if we have the Web Form Builder entered on a page called "submit.php" in the /repository directory of our site, then if we specify that we want the uploads to be put into the /tempupload directory, they will be actually be put into the /repository/tempupload directory. That directory should be automatically created if it doesn't exist.

If that capability already exists, it's well hidden and it would be nice if you'd tell me how to find it.

Also, on this user forum, it would be very nice to be able to see all our own posts and their replies (a quick link button), and it would be nice if we were able to set a flag to have the system send us an email when we get a reply to a posting.
User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

David Miller wrote:
Also, on this user forum, it would be very nice to be able to see all our own posts and their replies (a quick link button),

Click your name on the left under you avatar and it will show you all your posts.

David Miller wrote:
and it would be nice if we were able to set a flag to have the system send us an email when we get a reply to a posting.

Select Favorite on the post you wish to get E-Mail reply's from. :D
"An Apple doth not fall far from its tree, yet an orange does." - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services. - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would love to see the ability to set default padding and similar settings that can span for "all" elements and then adjust from there instead of having to adjust every single element. If I start a form and I see that every element line is 21 padding on left and I know I want them all 0, or if I see that there is way too much padding between the lines (top and bottom) I'd like to have a global setting that spans all the elements. Right now it's a real inconvenience to have to set every single element if you know you what padding you want to span them all.

Same for colors and pretty much anything that could be construed as a global setting.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would like to be able to have an element be able to send me a set value that the user doesn't see. In other words if user clicks check boxes:

A [ X ] , B [ X ] , C [ ] , D [ X ]

I want the results to send me back:
(I don't have a form setup with the checkboxes yet so I don't know what the new checkbox results look like so this is just a generic idea below)

A: checked = $40
B: checked = $50
D: checked = $120

Where the monetary (or any other type of text) values are values I give to to the field in the program, but are not shown on the form. I don't know what this is called, but a sort of hidden value that is entered in the results if certain things are checked or radio buttons are chosen or pretty much any element has a value in it. Doesn't have to calculate, just has to give the value in results.

Hope that makes sense :)

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