Cheers Scott
If you set the Form to say 250px wide and you use the Date Element, then the date box shows bigger than the actual form. Is it possible to have this scaled with the size of the form?
Cheers Scott
Cheers Scott
Mark Loves CoffeeCup
Another suggestion which I think would be very useful.
If you create a text only submit button (not an image), can we have a 'Transparent' option. Unless you are using no theme, how is someone supposed to know what colour the background is unless they have color picker. So being able to make it transparent would be great.
If you create a text only submit button (not an image), can we have a 'Transparent' option. Unless you are using no theme, how is someone supposed to know what colour the background is unless they have color picker. So being able to make it transparent would be great.
Mark Loves CoffeeCup
OK, have been playing around with Form Builder Lite..... there are a couple of things I would love to see in the final build of the New Form Builder.......
1. One is the Header. What if I don't want to put a logo up, but just text. I don't see a way to do that.
2. On the Footer/Submit line, it would be nice if I could use up the space to the left or right of the Submit button (depending where I put it) to put another Action. Will there be a way to add a second action to the submit line.
3. Would also be nice to be able to put in the exact percentage for each item I add.There are times that somewhere between 33% and 50% would be nice. For example, I would like to make the first action only 25% and the other 75%
Looking forward to the finished product and the ability to add some of my forms to webpages. Getting the Replies back on S-Drive is fine, but would also like to get them as e-mails as with the old Web Form Builder.
Great work guys. you are the best.
1. One is the Header. What if I don't want to put a logo up, but just text. I don't see a way to do that.
2. On the Footer/Submit line, it would be nice if I could use up the space to the left or right of the Submit button (depending where I put it) to put another Action. Will there be a way to add a second action to the submit line.
3. Would also be nice to be able to put in the exact percentage for each item I add.There are times that somewhere between 33% and 50% would be nice. For example, I would like to make the first action only 25% and the other 75%
Looking forward to the finished product and the ability to add some of my forms to webpages. Getting the Replies back on S-Drive is fine, but would also like to get them as e-mails as with the old Web Form Builder.
Great work guys. you are the best.

Kathy Dombrowski wrote:
OK, have been playing around with Form Builder Lite..... there are a couple of things I would love to see in the final build of the New Form Builder.......
1. One is the Header. What if I don't want to put a logo up, but just text. I don't see a way to do that.
2. On the Footer/Submit line, it would be nice if I could use up the space to the left or right of the Submit button (depending where I put it) to put another Action. Will there be a way to add a second action to the submit line.
3. Would also be nice to be able to put in the exact percentage for each item I add.There are times that somewhere between 33% and 50% would be nice. For example, I would like to make the first action only 25% and the other 75%
Looking forward to the finished product and the ability to add some of my forms to webpages. Getting the Replies back on S-Drive is fine, but would also like to get them as e-mails as with the old Web Form Builder.
Great work guys. you are the best.
OK, have been playing around with Form Builder Lite..... there are a couple of things I would love to see in the final build of the New Form Builder.......
1. One is the Header. What if I don't want to put a logo up, but just text. I don't see a way to do that.
2. On the Footer/Submit line, it would be nice if I could use up the space to the left or right of the Submit button (depending where I put it) to put another Action. Will there be a way to add a second action to the submit line.
3. Would also be nice to be able to put in the exact percentage for each item I add.There are times that somewhere between 33% and 50% would be nice. For example, I would like to make the first action only 25% and the other 75%
Looking forward to the finished product and the ability to add some of my forms to webpages. Getting the Replies back on S-Drive is fine, but would also like to get them as e-mails as with the old Web Form Builder.
Great work guys. you are the best.

"Looking forward to the finished product and the ability to add some of my forms to webpages. Getting the Replies back on S-Drive is fine, but would also like to get them as e-mails as with the old Web Form Builder."
You actually can do that now Kath. The form contents is still delivered over email. You don't have to use the Dashboard to view the results.

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Love the first draft of the final version. Here is something I would need (maybe it's there already and I don;t see it).
Let say I have a line saying:
Which payment method would you like to use?
Button1: Credit Card Button 2: Check Button 3: Debit Card
depending on which selection is made, I need the next step to be either pre-selected by a TAB jump
or highlighted / shaded in some way or "magically" erase all options that are not part of his selection.
So if he chooses "CHECK" the next step would be to ask for Check number
If he chooses Credit Card, the next step would be to ask "Which kind?"
If he chooses Debit Card, the next step would be to ask "which bank" etc.
It's kind of a "if" = "than" formula
Any idea if this could be made available?
Love the first draft of the final version. Here is something I would need (maybe it's there already and I don;t see it).
Let say I have a line saying:
Which payment method would you like to use?
Button1: Credit Card Button 2: Check Button 3: Debit Card
depending on which selection is made, I need the next step to be either pre-selected by a TAB jump
or highlighted / shaded in some way or "magically" erase all options that are not part of his selection.
So if he chooses "CHECK" the next step would be to ask for Check number
If he chooses Credit Card, the next step would be to ask "Which kind?"
If he chooses Debit Card, the next step would be to ask "which bank" etc.
It's kind of a "if" = "than" formula
Any idea if this could be made available?
Publish/Export suggestion:
I see a lot of people since the new Full version release that are trying to "publish" rather than Exporting as that is what they got used to with the Lite version.
What about making it simpler and having it do a Publish button and when you do that Publish button the 2 choices are there such as:
Publish to S-Drive
Export code to use on your own server
This would truly help a lot of people that are obviously and understandably confused about this process.
I see a lot of people since the new Full version release that are trying to "publish" rather than Exporting as that is what they got used to with the Lite version.
What about making it simpler and having it do a Publish button and when you do that Publish button the 2 choices are there such as:
Publish to S-Drive
Export code to use on your own server
This would truly help a lot of people that are obviously and understandably confused about this process.

Jo Ann wrote:
Publish/Export suggestion:
I see a lot of people since the new Full version release that are trying to "publish" rather than Exporting as that is what they got used to with the Lite version.
What about making it simpler and having it do a Publish button and when you do that Publish button the 2 choices are there such as:
Publish to S-Drive
Export code to use on your own server
This would truly help a lot of people that are obviously and understandably confused about this process.
Publish/Export suggestion:
I see a lot of people since the new Full version release that are trying to "publish" rather than Exporting as that is what they got used to with the Lite version.
What about making it simpler and having it do a Publish button and when you do that Publish button the 2 choices are there such as:
Publish to S-Drive
Export code to use on your own server
This would truly help a lot of people that are obviously and understandably confused about this process.

We actually working on an update today and we are adjusting the text on the publish dialog that will explain things in much more detail. We sort of overlooked that one when we released.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Awesome, I knew you guys would work it out eventually

The new Web Form Builder is nice if you only want to make vertically aligned forms. I will not be using it because many times I need to duplicate an existing form which isn't vertically aligned. I will be sticking with the "Classic" Form Builder, so please don't delete it from your list of programs.
Patrick McVicker wrote:
The new Web Form Builder is nice if you only want to make vertically aligned forms. I will not be using it because many times I need to duplicate an existing form which isn't vertically aligned. I will be sticking with the "Classic" Form Builder, so please don't delete it from your list of programs.
The new Web Form Builder is nice if you only want to make vertically aligned forms. I will not be using it because many times I need to duplicate an existing form which isn't vertically aligned. I will be sticking with the "Classic" Form Builder, so please don't delete it from your list of programs.
You don't have to stick with vertical forms at all Patrick. Anything you can make in the Flash version you can make in the HTML version. All you need to do is go to the Properties Tab and adjust the form element widths and padding. With just a little bit of work, you can EASILY duplicate your form in the new version.
If you are stuck, drop me an email at and I will help you design your form.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
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