The Joker wrote:Punch cards??? You people are soooooo old. Better go sit down and put the feet up.

Sure we will, but you first, old fella !!!!

My 1st computer was a Sinclair ZX80 with a whopping 4kb of RAM, inbuilt Basic, B&W TV as a display, and a seperately-purchased cassette player/recorder to handle the "sophisticated" programs I used.
Before that I had started to assemble bits & pieces to build my own computer (4-bit processer) from an electronics magazine article, then along came the ZX80 - I was in heaven!
When I bought the RAM expansion pack, a whopping 16kB yes you read correctly it was all of 16kB, I nearly wet myself!*
Since then I progressed through a series of computers, from the Tandy TRS-80 through various IBM compatibles & finally to my current machine which is chirping** at me as I type on it now.
I played with the Apple II (didn't like the display) and early Macintoshes (nice) at the local Uni but they were outside my price range.
* Now I'm at the age where soon I won't be needed a computer to wet myself.
** I thought I'd cured that by removing & reinsterting the 2 hard discs, looks like it's back to the repair shop again. (sigh)