One other quick question on the option filed. What is the limit of characters you can have?
type em out, it's not many so you can see pretty quickly how far you can go, like 25 or 30 if that even.
Thanks Wolverana. I wish it was longer than the 25 or so. Hope eveyone has a great day.
Yep me too Simnar, and only reason I knew it was short was because I tried to put longer things in em too lol. I'm guessing it won't be something available in the future though since it's not CC that's limiting it, but the outside source for our payment options. Maybe we can talk to Paypal about it and request it? It could happen!! LOL
I am assuming that there is no way to create a sub category. This is still in my opinion the best shopping cart out there!
Sub Categories are in the works, from what I've read, for the Pro version coming out sometime this year yet. That should be an awesome feature when it's released as well as many other much needed features I'm sure

I'll throw my suggestions in even though have been mentioned as I feel they are important features of a functional shopping cart.
1. Better shipping payment method. The way it is now, either the merchant or the customer is getting shafted by either charging too much or not enough. bad for business either way.
2. Better way to ensure that in-state residents are being charged tax. I have included a reminder on the view cart page but that can be ignored. Merchant can get shafted to pay tax on tax not collected or customer will get annoyed that order was delayed and having to pay a seperate invoice for missed tax. neither is really acceptable.
3. A way to include combo boxes that apply to line item and is captured in the sale and email notification. For instance, why have 25 different shirts that are the same except the color and size will differ?
That's all I can think of right now. I am otherwise pleased with how easily the cart is to set up and manage. A viable solution to these three issues will make this program a huge success for everyone.
1. Better shipping payment method. The way it is now, either the merchant or the customer is getting shafted by either charging too much or not enough. bad for business either way.
2. Better way to ensure that in-state residents are being charged tax. I have included a reminder on the view cart page but that can be ignored. Merchant can get shafted to pay tax on tax not collected or customer will get annoyed that order was delayed and having to pay a seperate invoice for missed tax. neither is really acceptable.
3. A way to include combo boxes that apply to line item and is captured in the sale and email notification. For instance, why have 25 different shirts that are the same except the color and size will differ?
That's all I can think of right now. I am otherwise pleased with how easily the cart is to set up and manage. A viable solution to these three issues will make this program a huge success for everyone.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
The better shipping options are actively being developed for the pro version now Tom, for exactly the reasons you have stated. The weight based shipping module will be a lot more accurate. Nobody wants customers abandoning the cart, if they think the shipping costs are too high. (Nor do any of us want to lose out on shipping costs either.)
The tax issue you'd have to ask someone that is familiar with that aspect.
The current option fields are captured in the cart and are forwarded to the payment processor. The pro version will have price definable options, for where those options have a variance in cost.
The tax issue you'd have to ask someone that is familiar with that aspect.

The current option fields are captured in the cart and are forwarded to the payment processor. The pro version will have price definable options, for where those options have a variance in cost.
Thanks for that heads up Will. I just went back into the cart and figured out how to use the optionall fields. That's great.
I am confident CC will find a solution to the shipping rate problem. I'd upgrade to the Pro version anyway so not a problem.
Perhaps a combo box on the view cart page where there is no default shipping location selected and the buyer has to select a state or region before moving on to the payment gateway or the cart will not proceed. They can lie or make an accident, but that will a buyer booboo and not a merchant/shopping cart boo. Easiest solution I can think of.
I am confident CC will find a solution to the shipping rate problem. I'd upgrade to the Pro version anyway so not a problem.

Perhaps a combo box on the view cart page where there is no default shipping location selected and the buyer has to select a state or region before moving on to the payment gateway or the cart will not proceed. They can lie or make an accident, but that will a buyer booboo and not a merchant/shopping cart boo. Easiest solution I can think of.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
It's great to hear that a lot of the suggestions here are being worked on for CC Shopping Cart Pro ! I recently offered some specific ideas on integration of Shopping Cart w/Photo Gallery over in the Photo Gallery suggestions:
"Integration of CC Photo Gallery with Shopping Cart Creator would be a tremendous help for sites that sell images. Here are two relatively simple suggestions on how one might consider doing this:
- include as an option a simple clickable "add to cart" button as part of the "mouse over" area that drops down with information (title/etc) about the photo, or
- an "add current image to cart" button in addition to the "show albums" and "stop/start slideshow" buttons that are already implemented in CC Photo Gallery. This would save shoppers from having to search through the photos twice for the one's they like; once in the gallery, and once in the shopping cart. (This idea also posted in the suggestions for SCC area.)
For either of those options, (since it seems likely that an item#/SKU is likely to be included as a new feature in SCC Pro) one could use this as the link between the two programs, provided a field for this is included as part of the image title/information in CC PG."
Of course, a lot of programming would be needed to implement something like this.
Any thoughts on these ides from other users of Shopping Cart & Photo Gallery or CC folks?
Thanks to all the CC folks for all their work on great new products and new functions for old products.
"Integration of CC Photo Gallery with Shopping Cart Creator would be a tremendous help for sites that sell images. Here are two relatively simple suggestions on how one might consider doing this:
- include as an option a simple clickable "add to cart" button as part of the "mouse over" area that drops down with information (title/etc) about the photo, or
- an "add current image to cart" button in addition to the "show albums" and "stop/start slideshow" buttons that are already implemented in CC Photo Gallery. This would save shoppers from having to search through the photos twice for the one's they like; once in the gallery, and once in the shopping cart. (This idea also posted in the suggestions for SCC area.)
For either of those options, (since it seems likely that an item#/SKU is likely to be included as a new feature in SCC Pro) one could use this as the link between the two programs, provided a field for this is included as part of the image title/information in CC PG."
Of course, a lot of programming would be needed to implement something like this.
Any thoughts on these ides from other users of Shopping Cart & Photo Gallery or CC folks?
Thanks to all the CC folks for all their work on great new products and new functions for old products.
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