I think the modular route for add ons, would certainly be a viable direction for SCC. The core program itself certainly needs features that are generic to all users, rather than region specific.
The sub categories and the price variants on options that will be features on the pro version, are both much needed improvements and will make the pro version a lot more useful in the types of web environments it can be placed in. A more flexible range of shipping options in the core program is however essential to take the product forward. Two things that affect shipping prices are weight and destination. SCC ideally needs to utilise the weight input in SCC, (which is currently display only) a lot more effectively. Alternatively being able to input three (or four) different shipping prices for different destinations on the item description page, could also work, with the site builder defining those three (or four) destination areas to appear on the cart pages shipping dropdown. Those destination areas typically being allocated something along the lines of local area, this country, surrounding countries, other countries, obviously the exact wording defined by the site owner to suit their own particular needs.
I don't want SCC to become an overburdened piece of cart software, as some of us
still use that other type of software, which is considerably more difficult to configure and maintain.

What I do need though, is a shipping system that is more accurate in working out shipping costs.