2. Yes, that is in Pro.
1. No and will most likely never be in the software (Basic or Pro)
2. Yes, that is in Pro.
2. Yes, that is in Pro.
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Hiya Duncan,
The way the Shopping Cart Creator (and Pro) work, they don't have to upload the entire shop each time, they only upload/change/delete things that have been altered since the last update so it doesn't take near as long to upload once you have the bulk of your shop done. Adding new things (in moderation of course) will only take a little while after that
The way the Shopping Cart Creator (and Pro) work, they don't have to upload the entire shop each time, they only upload/change/delete things that have been altered since the last update so it doesn't take near as long to upload once you have the bulk of your shop done. Adding new things (in moderation of course) will only take a little while after that

Hello Everyone!
I am very new to Coffee Cup. I have been working on my shop. I have been reading over quite a few of the post in regards to the next software release. I only have the basic creator but would like to upgrade as soon as it is available. I do not have a shop on line yet. When I preview my shop, the pictures seem to enlarge to the size that I had originally taken the pictures. I have taken them using the macro on the camera. Is this not going to be how they will appear in the online shop? Most of my items will be small because they are precious stones. After reading over some of the post, it appears that there may some concerns regarding picture quality and size. Also, I was wondering whether I can add another unit to the default weight option? It would be nice to have carets as a weight value.

Welcome to the forums Greenmamba 
As for your question about the images, keep them no larger than around 480 x 480 and they should be just fine without any distorting or loss of quality. At this time with the basic version, altering the size of the images is not an option, but the future may hold some pleasant things for us in the Pro version

As for your question about the images, keep them no larger than around 480 x 480 and they should be just fine without any distorting or loss of quality. At this time with the basic version, altering the size of the images is not an option, but the future may hold some pleasant things for us in the Pro version

From the buySAFE site regarding integration with some shopping carts. They name 10/12
"buySAFE Bonded e-commerce partners
buySAFE Bonded is available for the following selected e-commerce platforms. If you are using of the e-commerce platforms below, you can get buySAFE today or learn more from your e-commerce platform dashboard. "
I would certainly recommend CC doing something along these lines. Studies seem to show increased sales at sites showing some third party guarantees and certifications. I think it would be useful for CC to look into this area -- tho they probably already have:)
"buySAFE Bonded e-commerce partners
buySAFE Bonded is available for the following selected e-commerce platforms. If you are using of the e-commerce platforms below, you can get buySAFE today or learn more from your e-commerce platform dashboard. "
I would certainly recommend CC doing something along these lines. Studies seem to show increased sales at sites showing some third party guarantees and certifications. I think it would be useful for CC to look into this area -- tho they probably already have:)
The main difference with Cart Creator Tom, both the current version and the forthcoming pro version, is that they don't store any customer details within them, so in that context the customers details always remain safe. The two main payment providers used in Cart Creator both offer elements of buyer protection and monitoring of merchants anyway.
There are dozens of schemes similar to buySafe, all trying to elicit money from site owners. The one you mention either wants to charge merchants from $700 to $2200 a year, or its other scheme that is free for merchants expects customers to buy an additional bond 'guarantee' on top of their purchase price.
There are dozens of schemes similar to buySafe, all trying to elicit money from site owners. The one you mention either wants to charge merchants from $700 to $2200 a year, or its other scheme that is free for merchants expects customers to buy an additional bond 'guarantee' on top of their purchase price.
WILL_UK wrote:
The main difference with Cart Creator Tom, both the current version and the forthcoming pro version, is that they don't store any customer details within them, so in that context the customers details always remain safe. The two main payment providers used in Cart Creator both offer elements of buyer protection and monitoring of merchants anyway.
There are dozens of schemes similar to buySafe, all trying to elicit money from site owners. The one you mention either wants to charge merchants from $700 to $2200 a year, or its other scheme that is free for merchants expects customers to buy an additional bond 'guarantee' on top of their purchase price.
The main difference with Cart Creator Tom, both the current version and the forthcoming pro version, is that they don't store any customer details within them, so in that context the customers details always remain safe. The two main payment providers used in Cart Creator both offer elements of buyer protection and monitoring of merchants anyway.
There are dozens of schemes similar to buySafe, all trying to elicit money from site owners. The one you mention either wants to charge merchants from $700 to $2200 a year, or its other scheme that is free for merchants expects customers to buy an additional bond 'guarantee' on top of their purchase price.
Will, I do realize all that. It's not about Cart Creator, or Pay Pal, or Google Checkout or Authorize Net. It is about potential buyer perception. Most buyers do probably know PayPal which seems to be a pretty evenly split love and hate relationship. Google checkout has only it's name and has not penetrated the market as many hoped it would. Authorize Net is just another "stated" secure card check out system and I don't believe very well known by most of the potential buyer market.
Regardless of the merits of the above, first time buyers, regardless of their knowledge of the above services know diddly about most of us running small online stores. Then there are those of us who also offer to customers to print and mail the Cart Page if they want to pay by check and or money order. Recognizable trust marks can make a difference.
Perhaps buySAFE was not the best selection as an example for most. However I think the basic goal is warranted. I guess I should also have made clear that I was suggesting easy insertion on the Cart Page itself just below where the check out logos/buttons appear.
Most 'professional' fraudulent sites will have all manner of safeguard 'stickers' all over them. They will falsify headers in web pages and emails, they will sell your email address onto gambling and pornography sites and probably have a good go at emptying your bank account and stealing your identity along the way too.
The harsh reality however, is that most small traders simply wouldn't want to part with the cash to implement 'safeguard schemes' like that. They are perhaps ok for the larger sites turning over tens of thousands of dollars, but even with the 'alleged' increase in sales, they just wouldn't be a cost effective proposition for the majority of small traders out there.
By all means having a space allocated on the cart page for verification seals, or even trade associations is a good idea though.
The harsh reality however, is that most small traders simply wouldn't want to part with the cash to implement 'safeguard schemes' like that. They are perhaps ok for the larger sites turning over tens of thousands of dollars, but even with the 'alleged' increase in sales, they just wouldn't be a cost effective proposition for the majority of small traders out there.
By all means having a space allocated on the cart page for verification seals, or even trade associations is a good idea though.

Best safeguard I have for online shopping is my VISA. Chargebacks on all fraudulent activity at no cost to me.

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Down the road, after Pro is released and settled, add as a payment option if possible, Checkout By Amazon
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