The trial version is fully functional, so if you are not sure if it will fit your needs, give it a try. You can even create a bunch of $0.00 priced items and send us the link an we can do a few fake orders for you.
As far as I can see, all necessary information needed to fulfill the order is passed along and recorded.
The trial version is fully functional, so if you are not sure if it will fit your needs, give it a try. You can even create a bunch of $0.00 priced items and send us the link an we can do a few fake orders for you.
The trial version is fully functional, so if you are not sure if it will fit your needs, give it a try. You can even create a bunch of $0.00 priced items and send us the link an we can do a few fake orders for you.
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Hello Everyone:
So are you telling me a person can not buy from you unless they create an Pay Pal account ?
the will drive many of my customers away for sure.
Most people just want to buy and get it over quick.
I love the program but I cant see how this would work for me.
So are you telling me a person can not buy from you unless they create an Pay Pal account ?
the will drive many of my customers away for sure.
Most people just want to buy and get it over quick.
I love the program but I cant see how this would work for me.
The account creation and purchase is all at the same time. You do not have to register with PayPal first and then make the payment. If they already have an account, they can also login on that page.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
I understand now and blow me down if it doesn't work

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What I have done was to create one order. I have my PP account and the shopping I manageng has another. I made a transaction to check how it works and learn with tha. I even had discovered one problem with the PP screen and reported to CC. With that try-out i managed the data to pun at the articles, the firts data must be the inventory number, part number whatever you want bu must be the product ID. As buyer I had received one note from PP with all details what I sold and where to ship.
It was clear and easy. When i design one system i like to my a lot of try-outs to get myself an expert.
What I have done was to create one order. I have my PP account and the shopping I manageng has another. I made a transaction to check how it works and learn with tha. I even had discovered one problem with the PP screen and reported to CC. With that try-out i managed the data to pun at the articles, the firts data must be the inventory number, part number whatever you want bu must be the product ID. As buyer I had received one note from PP with all details what I sold and where to ship.
It was clear and easy. When i design one system i like to my a lot of try-outs to get myself an expert.
Jimmy The Sailor (trying to show my photos) (my wife's gallery) (trying to show my photos) (my wife's gallery)
must be the product ID
So what you are saying is that - if the product has been given an individual and unique ID product number or code, then the shop owner will automatically have that information when the sale goes through and the customer details are supplied with the PayPal confirmation?
That would seem to resolve this issue quite neatly.
I do not have a payment-card. I request if is a possible pay with a bank transfert.

What I noticed with my test transaction with PP was that when I placed the order I either had to create an account or log into one. That process is pretty straight forward and it wouldn't matter where they checked out because even if you were using a merchant account from another processor they would still have to enter all their details to receive the product.
I then received the order by email from PP and there was a link included where I could go to that transaction in my PP account. When I followed the link to the transaction on PP all the info I needed to ship the product was there. Including a link to process the shipping and print a label, all at the same time. Pretty slick actually.
As far as Google Checkout the procedures were pretty similar in what was required of the customer. The email I received from google not only included the title of what was sold but also the simple description. I could see exactly what was bought. There was also a link to go to the transaction in google from the email.
So as far as I can tell from my own tests was that everything you needed to process the order was included from either checkout. I have no worries that once my site starts getting busy everything will go smoothly.
Let's all remember that a large number of customers shopping on the internet probably already have a PP or Google(possibly both)account to pay for purchases.
I then received the order by email from PP and there was a link included where I could go to that transaction in my PP account. When I followed the link to the transaction on PP all the info I needed to ship the product was there. Including a link to process the shipping and print a label, all at the same time. Pretty slick actually.
As far as Google Checkout the procedures were pretty similar in what was required of the customer. The email I received from google not only included the title of what was sold but also the simple description. I could see exactly what was bought. There was also a link to go to the transaction in google from the email.
So as far as I can tell from my own tests was that everything you needed to process the order was included from either checkout. I have no worries that once my site starts getting busy everything will go smoothly.
Let's all remember that a large number of customers shopping on the internet probably already have a PP or Google(possibly both)account to pay for purchases.
Craig Wood
CoffeeCup Software Ambassador
CoffeeCup Software Ambassador
quote]I then received the order by email from PP and there was a link included where I could go to that transaction in my PP account. When I followed the link to the transaction on PP all the info I needed to ship the product was there. Including a link to process the shipping and print a label, all at the same time. Pretty slick actually.
That is no good wherre I sell the item in Australia and another person ships it from California. I need all the information on one email so I can forward that to the shipper as proof of purchase. The shipper does not have access to my merchant account with PP.
That is no good wherre I sell the item in Australia and another person ships it from California. I need all the information on one email so I can forward that to the shipper as proof of purchase. The shipper does not have access to my merchant account with PP.
Hello Everyone:
So are you telling me a person can not buy from you unless they create an Pay Pal account ?
the will drive many of my customers away for sure.
Most people just want to buy and get it over quick.
I love the program but I cant see how this would work for me.
Hello Everyone:
So are you telling me a person can not buy from you unless they create an Pay Pal account ?
the will drive many of my customers away for sure.
Most people just want to buy and get it over quick.
I love the program but I cant see how this would work for me.
I'm confused. First you said that the error that has been generated when using this software and PayPal was due to zero-value items being in the shopping cart. Here, you are stating to do it that way?
Second, you then went on to say that the PayPal error generated is due to the particular host setup. Yet, I, like many people having this error, meet the requirements for the software.
The only reason this error is being mentioned in this thread, is because of the first item I mentioned and it applies.
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