I'm quoting from a mail I just sent to Scott:
The fact that I had a very bad sound is probably my own fault, or the fault of my equipment (I'm not at home, and I had to use my laptop). Also, that the picture appeared bit by bit might be due to my connection and the fact that I'm half a world away from you. I can't remember if any of the other participants mentioned the picture, but there certainly were enough complaints about the sound.
I'm one of the ones with English as a foreign language, I'm also elderly, and I have a hearing problem. As I said above, I had a very bad sound (which I don't blame you for), but what I did hear, was that it was spoken far too fast, and you seemed to move away from the microphone in between.
Hey Inger,
Partway through the recording, we switch to a hand held phone which may be clearer for you to hear. This was our very first webinar. So next time we'll use the hand held.