Scott Swedorski wrote:Harry Rissley wrote:
Any update on the release of SCC Pro?

Soon is not a time, soon was quoted last year when I thought we had it coming before Xmas, the documentation was started a couple of months ago and was the hold up. This is not an angry rant on my part, just making a point about how frustrating soon is. If you said not before November for instance and delivered before hand, then I would think wow, delivered before due date. With this I mean surely now you have debugged for release and only have the documentation to complete that you should be able to set a worst case date and we would have something to plan towards, I see the frustrations in here caused by the constant streams of soon, soon and soon

Like I said, not upset overly, just been waiting a long time to see if it is going to do what I want or I keep using cubecart which I do not overly like as I can not skin it to my requirements.
Jeff Wilson
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