My gripe isn't with the release date Scott. I am quite happy for it to go past schedule, to get all the bugs ironed out. It is the way this initial release is being handled that is blatantly annoying a lot of your potential customers.
Many ecommerce sites have a substantive increase in business, in the run up to Xmas. A further six week delay due to restrictions in the issue of this design software would make it difficult to get sites utilised in time and could potentially cost many of your existing customers lost revenue.
I am just giving you feedback 'from the other side of the fence'. Coffeecup is well respected out there at the moment. Excluding customers is never good for anyone's business reputation.
Many ecommerce sites have a substantive increase in business, in the run up to Xmas. A further six week delay due to restrictions in the issue of this design software would make it difficult to get sites utilised in time and could potentially cost many of your existing customers lost revenue.
I am just giving you feedback 'from the other side of the fence'. Coffeecup is well respected out there at the moment. Excluding customers is never good for anyone's business reputation.
WILL_UK wrote:
My gripe isn't with the release date Scott. I am quite happy for it to go past scehdule, to get all the bugs ironed out. It is the way this initial release is being handled that is blatantly annoying a lot of your potential customers.
Many ecommerce sites have a substantive increase in business, in the run up to Xmas. A further six week delay due to restrictions in the issue of this design software would make it difficult to get sites utilised in time and could potentially cost many of your existing customers lost revenue.
I am just giving you feedback 'from the other side of the fence'. Coffeecup is well respected out there at the moment. Excluding customers is never good for anyone's business reputation.
My gripe isn't with the release date Scott. I am quite happy for it to go past scehdule, to get all the bugs ironed out. It is the way this initial release is being handled that is blatantly annoying a lot of your potential customers.
Many ecommerce sites have a substantive increase in business, in the run up to Xmas. A further six week delay due to restrictions in the issue of this design software would make it difficult to get sites utilised in time and could potentially cost many of your existing customers lost revenue.
I am just giving you feedback 'from the other side of the fence'. Coffeecup is well respected out there at the moment. Excluding customers is never good for anyone's business reputation.
Did you by chance see Bob's post yesterday? … #post94541
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
WILL_UK wrote:
Hi Bob. If I can also throw my two cents in. I feel that this initial limited release would be far better, if instead of limiting the physical numbers available, you instead make the product available for a 48 hour period only. This would allow those of us that live in different time zones around the world, to have a chance to purchase the product. If people are out at work during those variance in time zones (or even asleep in bed), at least you will be giving them the opportunity to purchase the product. That way the deal is fairer on everyone.
Hi Bob. If I can also throw my two cents in. I feel that this initial limited release would be far better, if instead of limiting the physical numbers available, you instead make the product available for a 48 hour period only. This would allow those of us that live in different time zones around the world, to have a chance to purchase the product. If people are out at work during those variance in time zones (or even asleep in bed), at least you will be giving them the opportunity to purchase the product. That way the deal is fairer on everyone.
Indeed I did see Bob's post. My response is directly underneath his post.

Trouble is there is real confusion here amongst the forum members. Bob is indicating there won't be any limits on quantity, whereas Scott is till talking about a futher six week delay if folks miss out. A simple definitive statement would be good perhaps?
My perspective on business, is that if people want to give you money, it's only polite to accept it from them.

WILL_UK wrote:
Indeed I did see Bob's post. My response is directly underneath his post.
Trouble is there is real confusion here amongst the forum members. Bob is indicating there won't be any limits on quantity, whereas Scott is till talking about a futher six week delay if folks miss out. A simple definitive statement would be good perhaps?
My perspective on business, is that if people want to give you money, it's only polite to accept it from them.
WILL_UK wrote:
Hi Bob. If I can also throw my two cents in. I feel that this initial limited release would be far better, if instead of limiting the physical numbers available, you instead make the product available for a 48 hour period only. This would allow those of us that live in different time zones around the world, to have a chance to purchase the product. If people are out at work during those variance in time zones (or even asleep in bed), at least you will be giving them the opportunity to purchase the product. That way the deal is fairer on everyone.
Hi Bob. If I can also throw my two cents in. I feel that this initial limited release would be far better, if instead of limiting the physical numbers available, you instead make the product available for a 48 hour period only. This would allow those of us that live in different time zones around the world, to have a chance to purchase the product. If people are out at work during those variance in time zones (or even asleep in bed), at least you will be giving them the opportunity to purchase the product. That way the deal is fairer on everyone.
Indeed I did see Bob's post. My response is directly underneath his post.

Trouble is there is real confusion here amongst the forum members. Bob is indicating there won't be any limits on quantity, whereas Scott is till talking about a futher six week delay if folks miss out. A simple definitive statement would be good perhaps?
My perspective on business, is that if people want to give you money, it's only polite to accept it from them.

The definitive answer will be revealed when the program is launched.

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Scott Swedorski wrote:
You have already made the decision that you want it, so all you need to do is get to our Website the day it is released and you will be all set.
You have already made the decision that you want it, so all you need to do is get to our Website the day it is released and you will be all set.
That will all very much depend on the release price on the day.

How can I buy acopy Please put me on thelist
TonyQ wrote:
How can I buy acopy Please put me on thelist
How can I buy acopy Please put me on thelist
You can't buy one.....
At least, it don't look like you can today.
Answers to your question is posted between the Original Msg, and this one.
May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
Silly question, will beta testers be offered a copy at this time or will they have to wait?
I am using HTML Editor, LockBox, Photo Gallery, Visual Site Designer (for the kids), Web Form Builder, Web Video Player, Shopping Cart Creator, Shopping Cart Designer and Flash Website Search. My works in perpetual progress:
Ford Doctor wrote:
Silly question, will beta testers be offered a copy at this time or will they have to wait?
Silly question, will beta testers be offered a copy at this time or will they have to wait?
Beta testers need not worry. They will be given the choice of either the basic or pro version when it is released.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Again on a ship.... 
I hope arrive in time... when you release the Designer....

I hope arrive in time... when you release the Designer....
Jimmy The Sailor (trying to show my photos) (my wife's gallery) (trying to show my photos) (my wife's gallery)
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