Whatever and whenever it happens, I'm sure it'll be great. Has CC ever done anything like this before? (Anticipated release?)
Mid-week, I wonder if this will be the day? Getting excited now, the refresh button is having a right go at me!
Whatever and whenever it happens, I'm sure it'll be great. Has CC ever done anything like this before? (Anticipated release?)
Whatever and whenever it happens, I'm sure it'll be great. Has CC ever done anything like this before? (Anticipated release?)
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
I bet Scott is feeling a bit like Homer Simpson now............................... when Bart and Lisa are in the back of the car shouting "are we there yet, are we there?"

WILL_UK wrote:
I bet Scott is feeling a bit like Homer Simpson now............................... when Bart and Lisa are in the back of the car shouting "are we there yet, are we there?"
I bet Scott is feeling a bit like Homer Simpson now............................... when Bart and Lisa are in the back of the car shouting "are we there yet, are we there?"

Maybe more like Peter Griffin with Brian and Stewie shouting

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Hi Peter...sorry I mean Scott,
Quick question and I know it may sound daft but is the release going to be announced during your 'standard office hours' and if so, what are the hours?...it will just help me work out from a UK time point of view when I should be monitoring/refreshing etc.
Many thanks
Quick question and I know it may sound daft but is the release going to be announced during your 'standard office hours' and if so, what are the hours?...it will just help me work out from a UK time point of view when I should be monitoring/refreshing etc.
Many thanks
Matt Potts wrote:
Hi Peter...sorry I mean Scott,
Quick question and I know it may sound daft but is the release going to be announced during your 'standard office hours' and if so, what are the hours?...it will just help me work out from a UK time point of view when I should be monitoring/refreshing etc.
Many thanks
Hi Peter...sorry I mean Scott,
Quick question and I know it may sound daft but is the release going to be announced during your 'standard office hours' and if so, what are the hours?...it will just help me work out from a UK time point of view when I should be monitoring/refreshing etc.
Many thanks
Yes, it will be announced during our business hours. We are open 9AM-5PM Eastern Standard Time or UTC/GMT -4 hours.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Cheers Scott
Thanks for the speedy reply
Thanks for the speedy reply
Man, I hope its today as I just got back out of bed to check. Its 1:15 in the morning here. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz too many late nights.............
Flying High.......
Too much caffeine.
Too much caffeine.
Why all the hoopla. Why don't you stop talking about it until it is ready to release. I sure the product will be great but this whole anticipation thing is now really old. Perhaps you spoke too soon if it is not ready.
Why all the hoopla. Why don't you stop talking about it until it is ready to release. I sure the product will be great but this whole anticipation thing is now really old. Perhaps you spoke too soon if it is not ready.
An announcement was made about an upcoming release. Since then, Scott has been answering questions. Would you rather he ignore questions??
An announcement was made about an upcoming release. Since then, Scott has been answering questions. Would you rather he ignore questions??
"Time heals everything. Know who said that? My Latin teacher at barber college!"
- Floyd Lawson
Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"
- Floyd Lawson
Widoktadwat - "Plays Well With Others"
Of course he should continue to answer the questions. I appreciate that. My point is all the build up and the limited availability. Seems kind of strange to me unless there is a reason we will hear about later. (I am sure there is). I want to hear about new upcoming products and have a chance to ask questions. The way CC is playing with their customers with the timing is what annoys me. When it is ready, announce it and take orders. What's wrong with that?
Again this is just my opinion as someone who keeps "checking" because I am in the middle of a project that I think this will help me with and it has dragged on long enough. I guess this post will take me off the first 500 list...oh well.
Again this is just my opinion as someone who keeps "checking" because I am in the middle of a project that I think this will help me with and it has dragged on long enough. I guess this post will take me off the first 500 list...oh well.
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