Hi Jonathan. There is a learning curve with all software. I hated the cart designer for the first hour I used it, as it was totally alien to me. Now I'm used to it, is a great tool for rapid creation of themes, for use in cart creator.
Jonathan Hudock wrote:
I have spent a frigging hour now trying to edit a damm template in the shopping cart pro software and find it to be a complete piece of crap product and not very friendly or intuitive at all. I have used Dreamweaver and Flash and have no problem figuring out what to do based on tutorials on the web but the tutorials provided by Coffee Cup suck big time. The tutorials all say to go to the properties pane to edit text and such but i try and try and cannot edit what is on the template to save my butt. Coffee Cup has definitely lost me as a customer with this product. Looking to buy a good shopping cart site program and this one sucks so far as far as i can tell. Have bought many programs from Coffee Cup too but not any more.
I have spent a frigging hour now trying to edit a damm template in the shopping cart pro software and find it to be a complete piece of crap product and not very friendly or intuitive at all. I have used Dreamweaver and Flash and have no problem figuring out what to do based on tutorials on the web but the tutorials provided by Coffee Cup suck big time. The tutorials all say to go to the properties pane to edit text and such but i try and try and cannot edit what is on the template to save my butt. Coffee Cup has definitely lost me as a customer with this product. Looking to buy a good shopping cart site program and this one sucks so far as far as i can tell. Have bought many programs from Coffee Cup too but not any more.
You don't edit text in the Shopping Cart Designer Pro. You edit it in the Shopping Cart Creator. Another 1d10t error.
Then what are the templates for? I guess I just don't get this software package. Other so called templates by other software providers are that, templates with preexisting text and graphics and such that you modify to meet your needs.
I would love to give it a chance but there is no documentation that tells you how to step by step make an online store. Countless tutorials on Flash and how to create a Flash site and can make one in a 1hr. My biggest complaint is that the makers of this product claim you can make an online store in 30 minutes. Should add a disclaimer stating only if you have a clue how to use their product is it possible to do so.
I would love to give it a chance but there is no documentation that tells you how to step by step make an online store. Countless tutorials on Flash and how to create a Flash site and can make one in a 1hr. My biggest complaint is that the makers of this product claim you can make an online store in 30 minutes. Should add a disclaimer stating only if you have a clue how to use their product is it possible to do so.

If you open the help file in the Shopping Cart Designer there is a very well done manual on how most things work in it. It's not something you're going to open and have mastered in 10 minutes, and no where does it say that you will, I think you just need to take a little time and see how everything works. I've answered a couple posts for you in here and another thread also that you started basically saying the same thing as in this thread. People are here to help you if you want the help, but if you've already made up your mind that you think it's no good we can't do much for that.
I do know that there are many of us here that can say the direct opposite and have been using it since it's release. I myself have been playing with it periodically since it's release and only recently in the last few days started really getting more intent on it. It does exactly what it says it does, and I think part of your problem is that you're trying to use the wrong programs to do things, I'm pretty sure of that after reading your post on the other thread. Once you get your mind around which program does what it's not quite as confusing. I'll let you read the other post to get the info I and another posted in reply.
If you have questions, feel free to ask as we have all been where you are. Keep in mind this is a fairly new piece of software that we're all learning at the same time, so many of us have already had the questions you're having answered and most likely can answer them for you. But I've found the best way to learn it is to just play with all the settings on a template. You can't hurt it, you can't hurt the template as long as you save it with another name, so just have at it and see what it all does.
The Designer will pretty much let you do anything you want to a template, very little is not changeable, and what isn't may become changeable in future versions, so sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy just messing around in it to see how it works. It's quite amazing once you get the hang of it all
I do know that there are many of us here that can say the direct opposite and have been using it since it's release. I myself have been playing with it periodically since it's release and only recently in the last few days started really getting more intent on it. It does exactly what it says it does, and I think part of your problem is that you're trying to use the wrong programs to do things, I'm pretty sure of that after reading your post on the other thread. Once you get your mind around which program does what it's not quite as confusing. I'll let you read the other post to get the info I and another posted in reply.
If you have questions, feel free to ask as we have all been where you are. Keep in mind this is a fairly new piece of software that we're all learning at the same time, so many of us have already had the questions you're having answered and most likely can answer them for you. But I've found the best way to learn it is to just play with all the settings on a template. You can't hurt it, you can't hurt the template as long as you save it with another name, so just have at it and see what it all does.
The Designer will pretty much let you do anything you want to a template, very little is not changeable, and what isn't may become changeable in future versions, so sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy just messing around in it to see how it works. It's quite amazing once you get the hang of it all

Jo Ann
Nice post, you are right.....
I love software and play around with it. CC software is very nice and agreeable to work it but, as you say, if people start working without reading the specifications, without being intuitive with software in general and expecting the application behaviour it's like sorcery then.... they have surprises...
CC software is good and have a wonderful continuous improvement...
Nice post, you are right.....
I love software and play around with it. CC software is very nice and agreeable to work it but, as you say, if people start working without reading the specifications, without being intuitive with software in general and expecting the application behaviour it's like sorcery then.... they have surprises...
CC software is good and have a wonderful continuous improvement...
Jimmy The Sailor
http://www.jimmythesailor.net (trying to show my photos)
http://www.art-i-batik.com (my wife's gallery)
http://www.jimmythesailor.net (trying to show my photos)
http://www.art-i-batik.com (my wife's gallery)
What is the planned release of the final version of Shopping Cart Designer?
Repost with corrections:
What is the planned release date of the final version of Shopping Cart Designer Pro?
What is the planned release date of the final version of Shopping Cart Designer Pro?
Glenn Labbie wrote:
Repost with corrections:
What is the planned release date of the final version of Shopping Cart Designer Pro?
Repost with corrections:
What is the planned release date of the final version of Shopping Cart Designer Pro?
To be announced

I know you believe you understand what you think I said...but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not exactly what I meant.
Glenn Labbie wrote:
Repost with corrections:
What is the planned release date of the final version of Shopping Cart Designer Pro?
Repost with corrections:
What is the planned release date of the final version of Shopping Cart Designer Pro?
There will be an update of SCD Pro when the SCC Pro is released as well as an updated version of both of these basic versions as well. This SCD Pro update will accomodate the changes that come with SCC Pro when it's released.
When is this? Soon is the best I can tell you. They are working on the documentation for them now so whenever they get that finished we should see some updates

I don't even have to ask the questions and you'll already know.

My tee shirt site http://www.teedojo.com, warmly and fuzzily done with SCC + SCD. I kinda like it even if I've yet to sell any shirts! Hah!
Catch me and say hi!. I don't bite, but I will help you with your website so you can kickstart your web presence today.
Catch me and say hi!. I don't bite, but I will help you with your website so you can kickstart your web presence today.
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