Tables would be nice.
I am making a photo inventory for our church, each page documenting a room, to be used from a DVD (not online). VSD freezes up on saving which I blame on the very large quantity of images. I though if I could break up the pages into 3 or 4 "sites", I could afterwards link them together and I may get around this "saving" problem. I soon realized that every "site" would have an IMG_1.jpg, IMG_2.jpg, etc., which prevents link (in the same folder anyway).
SUGGESTION: If the generated image files were prefixed with the letters derived from the site name or individual page names 2 or more site could be linked together easily.
SUGGESTION: If the generated image files were prefixed with the letters derived from the site name or individual page names 2 or more site could be linked together easily.
Sad to see it looks like VSD is not going anywhere by the looks of things in this thread. The problem with that is you get used to using software and then the carpet is pulled out from under you. That is why the big boys are the big boys.
For VSD though, in case there is any chance it is not dead in the water, the alignment process needs help. There should be a tool box window that will open just like the windows open for page - object - link - ect. The align choices hould all be in there plus "center to each other" too. Also the Add vertical and horizontal guide lines and the commands to use them should all be in that box.
For VSD, there should be a "Page Colors" or Web Colors" that keeps the colors you used so far in that web site and allows you to choose from them.
For VSD - ability to lock an object in place so it does not move.
Tell people you can select multiple objects by holding the SHIFT KEY down and clicking, and unselect single objects from multiple selections by holding the CONTROL KEY down instead. I have seen comments on having to start all over to select multiple objects when a wrong choice is made but no one seems to have commented you can use the CONTROL KEY to unselect only one of those objects if need be and you "miss" by accident. Very handy when "scoop selecting" by surrounding an area and you want to leave something out.
For VSD though, in case there is any chance it is not dead in the water, the alignment process needs help. There should be a tool box window that will open just like the windows open for page - object - link - ect. The align choices hould all be in there plus "center to each other" too. Also the Add vertical and horizontal guide lines and the commands to use them should all be in that box.
For VSD, there should be a "Page Colors" or Web Colors" that keeps the colors you used so far in that web site and allows you to choose from them.
For VSD - ability to lock an object in place so it does not move.
Tell people you can select multiple objects by holding the SHIFT KEY down and clicking, and unselect single objects from multiple selections by holding the CONTROL KEY down instead. I have seen comments on having to start all over to select multiple objects when a wrong choice is made but no one seems to have commented you can use the CONTROL KEY to unselect only one of those objects if need be and you "miss" by accident. Very handy when "scoop selecting" by surrounding an area and you want to leave something out.
Peter wrote:
Sad to see it looks like VSD is not going anywhere by the looks of things in this thread. The problem with that is you get used to using software and then the carpet is pulled out from under you. That is why the big boys are the big boys.
Sad to see it looks like VSD is not going anywhere by the looks of things in this thread. The problem with that is you get used to using software and then the carpet is pulled out from under you. That is why the big boys are the big boys.
I believe a 15 year run is awesome for ANY software. To improve VSD to todays web standards and responsive design would take years of code production and would mean that the price for the new and improved VSD would be in the ball park of $900 per license. I am sure that you would not be willing to pay that much.

We have hardwood not carpet as you can still use VSD even on Windows 8.1. It still creates the same websites you are used to and still has an amazing price.

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When will there be an update two VSD , or just some new templates. I would like some new themes with solid background and actual page on top! I know tiere is a work around on that, but have not been able to acomplish this.
I really like your program, and looking forward for an upgrade!! (sorry for my bad English)
I really like your program, and looking forward for an upgrade!! (sorry for my bad English)
Joe wrote:
When will there be an update two VSD , or just some new templates. I would like some new themes with solid background and actual page on top! I know tiere is a work around on that, but have not been able to acomplish this.
I really like your program, and looking forward for an upgrade!! (sorry for my bad English)
When will there be an update two VSD , or just some new templates. I would like some new themes with solid background and actual page on top! I know tiere is a work around on that, but have not been able to acomplish this.
I really like your program, and looking forward for an upgrade!! (sorry for my bad English)
With the release of Responsive Layout Maker and soon our Responsive Site Designer, there will be no further updates to VSD. It had a good life, but the old'girl is now ready to retire.

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Has anyone integrated a Menu creation system in VSD yet?. Not not be a jerk, but has ANYONE seen a site without a menu? I would think for something (a piece of commercial software over $100) to be named Site Designer should have the ability to add menus - and responsive ones at that. A site without a menu is called a webpage - not a site.
I have just about all of Coffee Cup's software and been a customer for years. You shouldn't have to buy or have to hodgepodge 5 pieces of software together to make something work. A Visual Site Designer should do just that - give you the ability to visually create an entire website, not just a webpage without a menu. And yes - I also own Menu Builder and RSD.
I have just about all of Coffee Cup's software and been a customer for years. You shouldn't have to buy or have to hodgepodge 5 pieces of software together to make something work. A Visual Site Designer should do just that - give you the ability to visually create an entire website, not just a webpage without a menu. And yes - I also own Menu Builder and RSD.
A good start would be to integrate Menu Builder into VSD. I've been programming for 23+ years in C++, Delphi and several other languages. For a Visual Site Designer, I don't want to have to screw around with JS to do something as common as a making a menu. As I said, a site without a menu is called a webpage.
I love the sites that people are creating here and there are some brilliant web designers on this site. I have looked at your stuff Eric and it's great work as well. Maybe I'm old school? I don't know. Right now I'm using XARA WD11 Premium, because it makes responsive menus in a snap. I would LOVE to switch to RSD, because of the wonderfully clean code it generates.
I love the sites that people are creating here and there are some brilliant web designers on this site. I have looked at your stuff Eric and it's great work as well. Maybe I'm old school? I don't know. Right now I'm using XARA WD11 Premium, because it makes responsive menus in a snap. I would LOVE to switch to RSD, because of the wonderfully clean code it generates.
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