Hi Inger,
I'm not trying to enter text in a VSD textbox. You can do a very simple test:
Create an HTML object, in the middle of the page. Edit the contains and type a text containing foreign characters like à é ê ü Ö etc. (You can also copy paste these here)...
You will see: you get garbage with FF4. If you change the character set of the browser (Menu Firefox - Web Developer - Character Encoding ) and select "Western", you will get the above chars correctly displayed. When you edit the VSD generated HTML file and replace the <META ...> line like I described in my first mail, it will be OK too. A third solution is to suppress this <META ...> line!
Another error remarked using this simple test: in the VSD 5.9, the HTML object was correctly "left" aligned. Now, a new "body" style has been added... and the HTML objects are "centered"!
To keep backward compatibility, I have to suppress the body style in all generated pages...
Again a lot of work !!!
I'm not trying to enter text in a VSD textbox. You can do a very simple test:
Create an HTML object, in the middle of the page. Edit the contains and type a text containing foreign characters like à é ê ü Ö etc. (You can also copy paste these here)...
You will see: you get garbage with FF4. If you change the character set of the browser (Menu Firefox - Web Developer - Character Encoding ) and select "Western", you will get the above chars correctly displayed. When you edit the VSD generated HTML file and replace the <META ...> line like I described in my first mail, it will be OK too. A third solution is to suppress this <META ...> line!
Another error remarked using this simple test: in the VSD 5.9, the HTML object was correctly "left" aligned. Now, a new "body" style has been added... and the HTML objects are "centered"!
To keep backward compatibility, I have to suppress the body style in all generated pages...
Again a lot of work !!!
I too would like to see more control of color. I use the CC Color Schemer to determine my palette I guess I expected it to be integrated into VSD as it is in HTML Editor.
I painstakingly enterd the RGB into VSD's color selector - but couldn't control the other variables... Back to guessing - or editing in HTML Editor and not uploading from VSD at all.
I painstakingly enterd the RGB into VSD's color selector - but couldn't control the other variables... Back to guessing - or editing in HTML Editor and not uploading from VSD at all.
I should have something clever to say... but I don't.
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newurbanpantry.com https://www.newurbanpantry.com
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I would like an option to hide properties boxes until I need them.
All these boxes popping up here and there every time I click and object is starting to get irritating.
All these boxes popping up here and there every time I click and object is starting to get irritating.

Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?
I cannot deal with html, which is why I use Coffeecup.
Not too bright, I guess.
For so long I have wanted two things, the first being by far the most important.
1. The ability to justify text.
2. The ability to embed a photo within text, and move it right or left, and have the text wrap around it.
I know, I should use CSS, and html Editor, etc., but I don't want to do that, and really, I'm not smart enough.
Not too bright, I guess.
For so long I have wanted two things, the first being by far the most important.
1. The ability to justify text.
2. The ability to embed a photo within text, and move it right or left, and have the text wrap around it.
I know, I should use CSS, and html Editor, etc., but I don't want to do that, and really, I'm not smart enough.
James Vandernaald wrote:
I cannot deal with html, which is why I use Coffeecup.
Not too bright, I guess.
For so long I have wanted two things, the first being by far the most important.
1. The ability to justify text.
2. The ability to embed a photo within text, and move it right or left, and have the text wrap around it.
I know, I should use CSS, and html Editor, etc., but I don't want to do that, and really, I'm not smart enough.
I cannot deal with html, which is why I use Coffeecup.
Not too bright, I guess.
For so long I have wanted two things, the first being by far the most important.
1. The ability to justify text.
2. The ability to embed a photo within text, and move it right or left, and have the text wrap around it.
I know, I should use CSS, and html Editor, etc., but I don't want to do that, and really, I'm not smart enough.
Ever tried exporting html from Word or OpenOffice?
Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?
Would like VSD to allow me to make a javascript link.... I occasionally know what I'm doing and think it's plain rude you don't let me. 
Also, I find myself wanting to resize the "Insert HTML" editor in VSD every time I have to open it to get around things like the above. The "Edit header..." is resize-able - why not the "Insert HTML" ?

Also, I find myself wanting to resize the "Insert HTML" editor in VSD every time I have to open it to get around things like the above. The "Edit header..." is resize-able - why not the "Insert HTML" ?
Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?
Make a MAC version. the end.
I was using a verison of Visual Designer with allowed me to copy and paste any URL from any website and upload it into my designer. The current copy I have does not allow this. I'd love if that feature was reinstated.
charlette hutton wrote:
I was using a verison of Visual Designer with allowed me to copy and paste any URL from any website and upload it into my designer. The current copy I have does not allow this. I'd love if that feature was reinstated.
I was using a verison of Visual Designer with allowed me to copy and paste any URL from any website and upload it into my designer. The current copy I have does not allow this. I'd love if that feature was reinstated.
Only our HTML Editor has that feature.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
I never had HTML editor on my computer until today when purchased by mistake. I've always had the VSD green icon with the graphing tools. At the top of the menu there was a simple prompt and you put the URL in. I notice in HTML Editor you have a screen that takes up half the page and there proxies, options, and other hula. The other format in VSD was simpler, you input the URL, and watched it all load visually in VSD. You could also then DRAG and DROP this person's website, play with the graphics, make icons bigger or smaller from the visual side. This from what I have seen in HTML editor is not possible (correct me if wrong) unless you go into the code and tweak with it. You can't drag or drop their webpage in any form. I liked my old VSD because if I needed rounded corners I could take a sample website, play with sizes, change the colors and add to my website. So, I'm currently trying to find older versions since maybe that's what I had.
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