Hiya Marc,
I have only a few suggestions for you. The site is nicely layed out and for the most part looks like a manufacturing site should, until you get to a couple of the pages.
Services Page: definitely lose the blue text as well as the bold everywhere. It doesn't do much for the site other than make it look unprofessional as it doesn't match the rest of the site and is shocking to the eye when coming from the other pages. Keep your text fairly uniform throughout your pages. Not that you can't deviate for a few things, but general content text should be uniform throughout for an industrial type site.
Facilities Page: Although you have definitely got the right idea on making the descriptive text smaller for the different specs of Milling, it's just a little bit too small and very hard to read and that's for someone with decent eyesight

Enlarge that text just a couple notches and I think it will be much easier to read and still will get the point across that it's descriptive text.
Footer Area: Although this is not necessary it may look a little nicer. Add just a little space between the walls of the boxes and the text on the left and right side of each of the boxes, maybe about 1 char of width on each side should suffice. Doesn't have to be much, but text always looks nicer and easier to read when it's not almost right up against the sides of the container it's in.
That's it for me, looks nice otherwise and you did nice job for them. Not sure why they even bothered with the bloat of a WordPress site for that to start with as it doesn't need all that excess mods and such at all. Well done