Jo Ann has understood exactly what I meant. Assuming you get to make other web sites at some time, I sincerely suggest you keep the more intricate and fancy graphics for another time. All the sites I have ever seen for funeral parlours and similar have tended to put the designer's personal taste in the background, and kept the rather serious theme well to the fore. You will get other occasions to play with all the clever stuff, but this time round the serious nature of the reasons for those visiting this site should be given precedence IMHO.
To my mind, that is where the professionalism lies - in putting aside your own taste and thinking of the audience and subject matter.
To my mind, that is where the professionalism lies - in putting aside your own taste and thinking of the audience and subject matter.
I have two I created. I'm learning more each time.
Quick Biz Websites
Quick Biz Websites
William... hope you don't mind, but I just spent a pleasant half hour browsing through your travel site. I assume that is you with the family? Sounds like you have seen some wonderful places together and your son is bound to gain so much from those experiences. Didn't see my home town there though! I think we compare pretty well with Rome

Thanks Janys. I'm glad you stopped by my site. You're right, we've been a few places. Having lived in England for several years we had easy access to much of Europe. We've been to Italy several times as its my wifes favorite. I happen to see I got a hit from Martellago, Italy...(I love Google analytics). Cannot say we've been to that area, but we did visit Venice and really enjoyed it. We were trying to cover a wide area in our Top 10 list, but Venice would have been number 11.
Thanks again. Hope you share my site around Italy. There's some great info on traveling to the USA as well.
Thanks again. Hope you share my site around Italy. There's some great info on traveling to the USA as well.

Quick Biz Websites
Quick Biz Websites
Bill... my server is in Martellago I guess, but I am actually in Venice. I guess number 11 is better than nothing!

Thomas Fry wrote:
Still under construction lots of work still on the way. Though I would appreciate any suggestions or concerns to help the site look a little more proffesional/clean.
Still under construction lots of work still on the way. Though I would appreciate any suggestions or concerns to help the site look a little more proffesional/clean.
Nice job, but I have to agree with some of the other comments here, a bit flashy for a funeral site.
For your menu bar on the top, use the advanced text tool to enter the text right into the boxes then make the whole box a hyperlink. That will hold your text selection and work better too.
And the same comment as others on the text. Lose the drop down shadows for the page names. Way off design for a funeral site. Maybe this is another place to add a box of contrasting color and place the page name in that, like you did the footers.
One more is that your history page has no menu bar, simply a return to home page link. Each page (in my opinion anyway) should have a menu bar or some kind of navigation for the site.
My first website design. I worried about this for a long time and it was much easier than I expected.
Nice site. Don't like the blue color you used for the links. The color is bright making the words hard to read.
Windows 7 Home Premium
Spyware Blaster
WinPatrol Plus
Microsoft Security Essentials
Roxio Creator 2010
2.00GB of RAM
32-bit Operating System
HP Laptop
64-bit Operating System
Everything same as Desktop
Windows 7 Home Premium
Spyware Blaster
WinPatrol Plus
Microsoft Security Essentials
Roxio Creator 2010
2.00GB of RAM
32-bit Operating System
HP Laptop
64-bit Operating System
Everything same as Desktop
Here is my first shot with VSD.
Looks great. Needs more verbage besides the faq. Ya gotta want me to look at your prices page.

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
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