Thanks! Are you talking about the flash player? On the home page?
Yep that would be the one, the photo gallery
William. From what I can see your header banner image should be optimized as it is rather large and slow in downloading. Try to get that to a jpeg of no more than about 80 or 90 KB. This is my business website and a first attempt. I'm still having problems getting my email address to be a usable clickable link. It either comes up really light or not as a link.
Hiya dianna,
Nice site, sweet and simple and I'm going to guess that you figured out the email situation as it's working just nice on Firefox current version and Internet Explorer 8 current build. Shows up in a maroonish colored box with white writing and is a link to the mailto setup. I do notice your Fiber Geek page is a bit distorted on the Menu area and is not really in the same context of the rest of your site which I'm thinking maybe you haven't finished on that one yet, if not then I thought I'd let you know it doesn't really fit with the rest of your site and the menu is messed up.
Other than that it's pleasing to the eye, easy to read, I like it, nice job
Nice site, sweet and simple and I'm going to guess that you figured out the email situation as it's working just nice on Firefox current version and Internet Explorer 8 current build. Shows up in a maroonish colored box with white writing and is a link to the mailto setup. I do notice your Fiber Geek page is a bit distorted on the Menu area and is not really in the same context of the rest of your site which I'm thinking maybe you haven't finished on that one yet, if not then I thought I'd let you know it doesn't really fit with the rest of your site and the menu is messed up.
Other than that it's pleasing to the eye, easy to read, I like it, nice job

Diana. There is no home button from the Fiber Geek page. If I were to say anything, I think you need to give the site a little more continuity... the page widths look as if they differ a bit, and some are placed less centrally than others. It would be nice to see the navigation system the same on all pages so as not to confuse your users... and that should definitely include a way to get back to the home page on each of them.
I like your graphics... very appropriate though a little slow loading. Would it not be possible to just keep the framework of graphics without the semi-transparent area in the centre? Just keep that for your copy. That might speed things up a bit.
I like your graphics... very appropriate though a little slow loading. Would it not be possible to just keep the framework of graphics without the semi-transparent area in the centre? Just keep that for your copy. That might speed things up a bit.
William Allen wrote:
This is a pretty basic site and I realize I have some inconsistencies, I started updating basic page layout to a new format half way through, but I am certainly interested in whatever suggestions you all may have as this is my first shot at a website.
This is a pretty basic site and I realize I have some inconsistencies, I started updating basic page layout to a new format half way through, but I am certainly interested in whatever suggestions you all may have as this is my first shot at a website.
Nice site William. My first comment is the wording, black on the green background is a bit tough to read. You might want to consider placing a white box shape under the text, especially on the About Me page.
As far as the Photo Gallery on the home page I would just do a collage of your different work and use a .jpg pic there. Add your slide show on a different page.
Finally name your home page with your business name. Right now it shows as "Home".
Dianna Haught wrote: This is my business website and a first attempt. I'm still having problems getting my email address to be a usable clickable link. It either comes up really light or not as a link. This is my business website and a first attempt. I'm still having problems getting my email address to be a usable clickable link. It either comes up really light or not as a link.
I have to agree with janys, the links are not on every page and the page sizes are different. I also note that some of the pages end and there is lots of space under the last text. Page length can be set by right clicking on a page in VSD and selecting Page Properties. Other than that I like the background, it's very novel and fits well with your service.
Okay, here's my first finished "work in progress" for my little side business. I keep tweaking images etc as I go, but wanted something pretty simple and easy to navigate. I still need to add sitemapper. In the meantime I'm redesigning my day job company's website. Hoping to have it done by 10/1. Anyway, would love feedback!
Hiya Kate,
Nice site, very pleasing to the eye and some interesting creations you make also. Well done, I didn't see anything that stood out as needing much work so you're doing pretty good for your first work.
Nice site, very pleasing to the eye and some interesting creations you make also. Well done, I didn't see anything that stood out as needing much work so you're doing pretty good for your first work.

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