Articles tagged “Web Design” - Order...

Absolute vs. Relative Paths/Links

Still today, one of the more tricky and confusing things about HTML is linking to other pages and sites, especially when absolute and relative paths come into play. But worry not! Creating links...

Responsive Google Maps

Add Google Maps to your site responsively. Google Maps™ can drive business right to your front door by providing your address, directions and landmarks for your customers to find you....

Creating Links with Responsive Site Designer

Create links to files, documents, external pages, anchors, email address and phone numbers. Responsive Site Designer makes it easy to link to other pages, files, and documents. You can...

Extending Menu Background Across Entire Page

In this article we will explain how to adjust the markup of your Responsive menu so that it extends the entire width of your page for any menu created with Responsive CSS Menu Builder. With just a...

Centering your Buttons in a Menu

Here you will find the steps to center your buttons for a horizontal menu. If you need help with adding a background please see this article Extending Menu Background Across Entire Page ....

Web Design

The Internet is all but a necessity for most people. It's almost as popular as the television; every household has one — or, in this case, has a connection. From social networking to...

What is a Web-Safe Font?

There are an awful lot of fonts in the world! For years, no doubt, you’ve been using a ton of them in word processing documents, party invitations, banners, etc. But have you ever noticed...

How to Wrap Text Around an Image.

There are two simple ways to have text automatically wrap around an image placed on a website. One involves a quick bit of code in the line of HTML that references the image, and the other...

What are Java Applets used for?

Java Applets are usually used to add small, interactive components or enhancements to a webpage. These may consist of buttons, scrolling text, or stock tickers, but they can also be used to...

Responsive Themes: What are they?

You may be asking yourself what really is a Responsive theme and why do I need one? Well a responsive theme is a process of web design that allows a website designer to restructure a website at...

Why Do I See a Box with a Red X Where My Image is Supposed to Be?

There are a couple of different issues that could explain why your images are not displaying correctly: Note : Most of these problems can be solved by transitioning to using Website...

When I View My Homepage on Other PCs, the Fonts and Layout are Different.

Most likely what is happening is that you've used a non-web-safe font. ( Click here for help understanding what a web-safe font is. ) The ultimate source of the font being rendered on a web...

Adding an External Style Sheet to Your Webpage

Cascading Style Sheets (also known as CSS or style sheets ) are an excellent way to control the design of your website. The one drawback is the excess code they can add to your website. This...

Centering Pages With CSS

The code below can be used to center your webpage in a browser window. The code will need to be pasted after the <head> tag but before the </head> tag. <style...