Articles tagged “CSS” - Order by...

How to edit a website created with Responsive Layout Maker

We all know that designing a website can be time consuming and labor intensive and developing a responsive website can be even more challenging. There are so many different variables to a...

Chapter 2: Understanding HTML & CSS3

The Code Powering Your Menu No need to get into details here in this chapter, after all, Menu Builder does all the work for you. But this we want to make clear before we go any further: HTML...

How to Use the CSS Menu Designer

The CSS Menu Designer (now defunct) was included in the HTML Editor in versions 2011 and earlier but has been removed with the release of our new Responsive Menu Builder .   Step...

How to Open CSS Menu Links in a New Window.

Follow these instructions to set your CSS menu links to open in a new window: 1. If you haven't done so already, insert your menu code into your page. (For more information about this...

How to Wrap Text Around an Image.

There are two simple ways to have text automatically wrap around an image placed on a website. One involves a quick bit of code in the line of HTML that references the image, and the other...

How Does Inheritance Work in Style Sheets?

Inheritance means the styles of one set of tags is inherited by another set of tags. For instance, say you have a style named Bob that's defined like this: . Bob { font-family: Arial ;...

Intro to HTML5 and CSS3 Errata

At this time, there are no known errata for the CoffeeCup Software Intro to HTML5 and CSS3 . It's picture-perfect ;) If you've found something that needs to be changed, or if you just...

How to Create a Style Sheet.

Style sheets open up a whole new world of customization for HTML. They give you control over characters, words, and lines, and allow you to change things such as the alignment of text, margins,...

Duplicate Content

So, what exactly is duplicate content? It's actually a fairly self-explanatory term. Duplicate content is any content duplicated in one or more pages on your website, or several instances of...

Applying Your Styles to a Webpage

There are two different methods of adding a style sheet to your webpage: Embed the style sheet on your page Link to an external style sheet. To embed the style sheet in your page,...

Responsive Site Designer Picture Element

Working with the Picture element Ahhhh the mighty picture element. Arguably one of the most important features of a website. Pictures, graphics, and logos - this type of content is...

Responsive Themes: What are they?

You may be asking yourself what really is a Responsive theme and why do I need one? Well a responsive theme is a process of web design that allows a website designer to restructure a website at...

What is Website Color Schemer?

Website Color Schemer is a program that helps you choose a color scheme for your website. After all, we don't want OUR users creating websites with mismatched colors ;) Select colors...

Adding an External Style Sheet to Your Webpage

Cascading Style Sheets (also known as CSS or style sheets ) are an excellent way to control the design of your website. The one drawback is the excess code they can add to your website. This...

Centering Pages With CSS

The code below can be used to center your webpage in a browser window. The code will need to be pasted after the <head> tag but before the </head> tag. <style...

Fixed Background

CSS Trick: setting a fixed background to a container. We all have seen those slick websites that use effects on their page such as scrolling backgrounds (a.k.a fixed backgrounds). With Site...

Borders & Border Radius

CSS Controls: Applying Border and Border Radius Borders can be used for many different things and come with several different options. The first thing you need to know about borders is that...

Apply a page background

Apply a Background to your Page In just a few simple steps you can apply a background color or image to the entire project of your site or on a single page. These steps work across all of our...

Site Designer Reset Control

Optimize Your CSS Stylesheet using the Reset control. Have you been trying out a lot of various styles and options during your design workflow? We completely understand! Site Designer makes...

Learn to Modify a Custom Code Menu

Working with custom scripts for adding special content to your web pages. Visual editing is what makes Site Designer special. But the not-so hidden secret is the ability to use custom scripts...

Adding new options to an accordion component

Modifying an Accordion Component. An accordion component is a feature comprising of a vertically stacked list of items, such as links or paragraphs. Each item can be "expanded" or...