Responsive Content Slider Change Logs

User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Hey Everyone!

Responsive Content Slider has learned some fresh new powers. With the new V1.1 we were able to work in some features and adjustments as requested by everyone here in the forums.

The coolest addition is the 44+ CSS animation effects that can be applied to slides or to individual content (thanks for the suggestion Jerome). Now you can make specific content pop out, bounce up, whirl around and much more. Go to slide 3 to see some of them in action.

Here are all the highlights of this release:
    • Fresh settings to link to other slides in the presentation.
    • An adjustment to the Picture element to make it easier to manage line height.
    • Impressive swipe gestures so mobile viewers can interact with the display.
    • The new master container makes it easier to position content and responsify the layout.
    • Any 3D/force-touch viewers (iPhone 6s) can preview slides pressing the indicators.
    • New groovy transitions including roll, zoom, bounce and more.
    • Tweaked slide speed settings so that they will keep their configurations.
    • We stopped slides from freezing :)
    • Typography tools for container elements so you can center inline-blocks inside of them.
    • New controls to customize the indicators using images, icons and states. (Great idea Mansour!
    • Updated markup for player controls making them more semantic and easier to click.
    • Improved the general workflow with various backend changes and some bug squashing...
    • …we updated the file extension to .rcs…simply re-save your old projects and all is good!

This is a free update. Head on over to your software account » to grab this new version.

Enjoy! :D
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